The Date.

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Beast boy and Raven headed into the restaurant and followed a well dressed man to their table. As they were walking Raven looked around; she saw that it was a very fancy restaurant and that it was likely going to be very expensive. They arrived at the table and took a seat on opposite ends so they were facing one another.

"Beast boy." Raven started. "I really appreciate all of this, but this is a really fancy restaurant and I can't let you pay for this. How about we go somewhere else? Somewhere less.. expensive."

"C'mon Rae, don't worry about the price, it's my treat." Beast boy said, inwardly pleading that she wouldn't make them leave.

"Fine, but please don't pay too much." Raven said as she struggled to get comfortable in the fancy setting that she was extremely underdressed for.

They were handed the menus and skimmed through them. Raven ordered the least expensive thing there was so she wouldn't feel so guilty about letting Beast boy pay for all of this; Beast boy however ordered their most expensive vegetarian option.

They were at the table waiting for their food to come. They were engaging in nice, small conversation. It mostly consisted of Beast boy making a stupid joke then mentally kicking himself for it and Raven being unintentionally rude then mentally kicking herself for it.

The two of them were finally starting to break the ice and make things less uncomfortable when the food came. Beast boy instantly dived in and finished his food within minutes, while Raven slowly ate her food, savouring the taste.

Beast boy gawked at Raven while she ate. He was looking at her with such a love in his eyes and Raven noticed. She quickly pushed her plate the side of the table and spoke.

"Well, dinner was really amazing. Thank you Beast boy" Raven half-smiled.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it!" Beast boy said with a toothy grin. "Maybe we can do it again sometime?"  He asked, his eyes pleading for her to say yes.

Raven was taken aback, she wasn't expecting him to ask her out again. She figured he'd spend an afternoon with her and quickly realize that his feelings were just imaginary. She knew that no one would be able to love her, so when he said this she didn't quite know what say back.

"I..well, um.." Luckily for her, she was cut off. The waiter came over with the bill and put it in the middle of the table. Beast boy quickly grabbed it and looked it over. His eyes widened.

"Whoa. Um you can just put it on this, sir." Beast boy said, handing the waiter his Teen Titans card. Robin said to only use that card for emergencies; Beast boy was going to be screwed when Robin found out.

The waiter left the table and both Beast boy and Raven stood up and left the building. As they were walking the streets, Raven was under the impression that the "date" was over and they were headed back to the Titan tower.

"Thank you so much for this night, Beast boy. I really had a lot of fun." Raven said with a smile creeping its way onto her lips.

"It's not over yet Rae." Beast boy's grin grew.

"It's not? Well what else are we doing then?" Raven wondered out loud.

Beast boy said nothing else, he just grabbed Raven's hand and led her into a long building. Once inside the front doors Raven realised that they were in the movie theatre.

"We're going to watch a movie? We have completely different tastes in movies." Raven stated.

"There is one genre we both like." Beast boy pointed out.

"Oh, and what genre is that?" Raven asked, truly curious.

Beast boy once again said nothing more, he just silently took Raven's hand and led her into the theatre. They sat down and got seats in the back, Raven's suggestion. The theatre fell quiet as the movie began.

The first thing that was shown was a peaceful meadow, luscious trees and a beautiful lake. Then, out of the blue, a pale, old, wrinkled lady popped up on the screen. A jump scare. Raven instantly jumped up and leaned into Beast boy. She always said she liked horror movies, but that was just because she needed to keep up her persona; in reality she hated them, they creeped her out. Weird right? The half-demon is creeped out by a horror movie.

The movie continued and it just kept getting worse and worse for Raven. She felt like she was jumping at every scene and she couldn't be more embarrassed by it. She hated this, she hated being scared.

The next jump scare really caught her off guard and she buried her head into Beast boy's chest. He put his arm around her and pulled her in closer to him, trying to comfort her without words. In his arms she felt so safe, she felt so happy and at peace. She wished she could stay there forever but unfortunately the movie ended and they had to separate.

They walked the streets once more, Raven's cheeks a little red from remembering the movie and how close she was to Beast boy.

"The movie was.. nice." Raven said, trying to be persuasive.

"Oh really? Because if I didn't know any better I'd said that you were a little scared." Beast boy teased.

"Whatever." Oh what Raven would give to have her hood right now. "So are we heading back to the tower?"

"Nope, I have one last thing to do." Beast boy grinned and led Raven to a trail.

The trail was truly beautiful, it had large, vibrantly green trees, flowers of a range of colors all scattered across the ground, and in the night sky the stars shone so brightly it lit up the trail. It was a sight to behold and a great way to end their night.

They walked and talked for a while longer, each sharing stories and laughing until Beast boy knew the trail was coming to an end. It was time for him to make his move. It was now or never.

"Listen Rae." Beast boy started shakily. "I really like you."
"I like you too Beast boy." Raven said, not fully understanding where he was going with this.

"No Rae, I like you more than that, I think I love you and I know that I want to be with you. Be with someone that I've already gone through so much with. You're the one for me Rae. You're the only one."

Raven was about to speak but was cut off.

"You don't have to say anything more, I know this is a lot to comprehend, but just answer this question." Beast boy felt butterflies like he never has before. He thought he might puke right there, but he had to say this.

"Will you go out with me?"


Hey guys! I had so much fun writing this chapter so I hope you had an equal amount of fun reading it! I can't wait to update this for you guys! Stay tuned! If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns then please email me and I'll be glad to answer them for you. Have a nice day!

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