Why Do I Feel This Way?

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Raven was sitting in her room alone, drinking tea and reading a new book she just recently got. She was so enticed by the book that she jumped when she heard a knock on her door.

"Go away, I'm busy." She grumbled and tried to go back to reading.

"It's Beast boy, you've been in your room all day and I thought you might be hungry."

"I'm fine." Raven said, glad that there was a door blocking her and Beast boy so her blush remained hidden.

He was thinking about me? Does he actually care? Please, who could care about a half-demon? Raven thought to herself, frowning .

"Please just come out to the kitchen, Cyborg made lunch and there's extra; I think you should eat." Beast boy said with a pleading tone.

Raven moaned and got up. She opened her door and saw a green changeling standing outside and looking at her with a big smile on his face.

Ugh! Why does he have to be so cute with that goofy grin and messy hair. I hate this. Raven moaned inwardly

"Soo.. you gonna eat?" Beast boy asked with a hopeful spark in his eyes.

"Fine, but only because I'd rather eat than continue to be pestered by you." Raven shot him a glare and walked past him towards the kitchen.

She really did hate being mean to Beast boy like that but, she knew that if she wasn't then her emotions would go haywire and put everyone she loved in harm; no matter how much she wanted to, she could never have anything more than friendship with Beast boy, it was just too much for her to risk.

As she entered the common room she saw Robin and Starfire cuddled up against one another on the couch watching a movie. She looked in the kitchen and saw Cyborg polishing his plate and going to get more.

"Hey Rae! There's plenty of food left here if you want some, prepared by yours truly." Cyborg said with a grin as he put more food on his plate and began shoving it in his mouth.

"Thanks." Raven said. She wasn't in the mood to say more or to correct him on her name, she just wanted to eat and then go back into her room to finish her book and get her mind off of Beast boy.

Raven took up a plate of food and began eating. She was startled when someone placed a mug beside her. She looked up and saw Beast boy staring at her with a huge smile plastered on his face.

"I made you tea!" The green skinned boy said

"Um.. why?" Raven asked, confused as to why he would make her tea, he's never made her tea before.

"Well.." Beast boy started. " I saw you eating and I remembered that when I was eating I got something to drink because the food was kinda dry so I thought that I should get you something so that your throat didn't get dry.. or something."

"Oh, um thanks, I guess." Raven said and then took a sip of the tea. It wasn't the best but she didn't want to show that and hurt his feelings anymore than she already did today.

"Yeah, no problem." He said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

Raven hoped that he would end the conversation and go do something else. She didn't want to stop talking to him but she also didn't want to make a fool of herself or say something that she'd regret. Passion is a strong emotion and sometimes takes control.

When Beast boy didn't leave Raven guessed she had to. She quickly finished her food and tea and then got up to leave. She brushed past Beast boy and made her way to her room. She opened the door and just as she was about to close it she heard-

"Rae, wait up!"

It was Beast boy's voice.. great.

"It's Raven, now what do you want?" She didn't mean for it to come out sounding so rude but it did.

"I was wondering if.." Beast boy began. "You would maybe, possibly, perhaps, want to maybe, possibly-" He was cut off

"Just spit it out." Raven said losing her patients. She did have feelings for him but that doesn't mean that he doesn't get on her nerves sometimes.

Beast boy rubbed the back of his neck. "Do you want to go do something tomorrow maybe?"

Raven blushed and pulled up her hood to hide it. "Um sure, that sounds.. good."

Beast boy was ecstatic. "Really?! Okay I'll come get you at 6:00 tomorrow afternoon!" He had the biggest smile on his face that Raven had ever seen; she didn't even know it was possible for a face to stretch that far out.

"I'll see you then." Raven said, then she closed the door before he could see the smile that was slowly but, surely creeping its way onto her face. When the door shut she walked over to her bed and sat on it. She was sitting for a while, just smiling and staring at the wall. She couldn't believe that she was going out with Beast boy tomorrow, just the two of them.

She sat there for a while more until she heard glass shatter. She looked over and saw that a vase from on top of her shelf had broke. She realized that she caused this. She realized that her emotions were getting out of control. She needed to meditate.

She sat on her floor in the lotus position and began meditating, trying to find her center. She soon found it and began her meditation, slowly repeating her mantra.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos. Azarath Metrion Zinthos. Azarath Metrion Zinthos."

She stayed like this for hours and, although she was at peace and focused, she couldn't help but have a small smile form on her lips.


Thank you guys so much for reading my story, I hope you liked it. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions then please email me or comment below. Thank you again, have  a great day!

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