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There Raven sat, in a cave under the water. She could hear the sound of water slowly dripping from the roof of the cave to the hard rock floor. She sat there meditating, trying to keep her emotions in check, though she couldn't help it when a tear fell down her cheek every couple minutes or so.

She was cold, cold and alone. She wished she had never left the titans, but it's too late now. Beast boy had probably found that note already and he probably hates her even more now.

Raven wiped the tears off of her face and straightened her back, slowly and quietly chanting her mantra as she levitated into the air to go deeper into her meditation.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos. Azarath Metrion Zinthos. Azarath Metrion Zinthos."

Raven had found her centre and her mind had finally drifted off of Beast Boy and the other Titan's. Her mind was clear, it had felt so long since the last time her mind wasn't occupied with thoughts that were constantly bringing her down. She finally felt peace, she felt free of all of the burdens of her horribly life, but then the cold hit her.

It was freezing in the cave. It was so cold that it took her out of her meditative state. Her eyes shot opened and she fell back to the ground. She walked over to a corner that wasn't completely wet and huddled in a ball. Her arms wrapped around her legs. Her body shivering as the coldness began to be too much to bare.

I have to get out of here or I'll freeze.

Raven stood up and walked over to the sealed opening of the under water cave. She prepared her powers as she began to unseal the opening. Water rushed into the cave, it quickly began filling it up. The cold water hit Raven's legs as she gasped with discomfort.

She began to surround her body with black energy, waiting for just the right moment to do it. She saw her opportunity and jumped. She began soaring through the water with her powers speeding her up to near impossible speeds. She saw the sky up ahead. She was close. She began to go faster and faster, her breathe was running out. Raven was seeing black, she would pass out any second. She had to get to the top first. She was so close to getting out of the water, so close that she knew she was going to make it, but the blackness was still spreading, taking up most of her vision and before she knew it, she had passed out.

Raven's eyelids slowly started to open up. She gasped for air and quickly sat up. She looked around and saw that she was on a beach. Confused, Raven stood up and began to look around, she saw foot prints that were leading. Two sets of foot prints.

Raven began to follow the footprints, her curiosity peaking. She followed the foot prints down the beach for quite awhile. They lead her very far down the beach, almost to the end, until they stopped. The foots prints started to face each other and then it looked like a fight happened. Raven looked further ahead and saw that the two footprints had now turned to one footprint and a dragging in the sand.

Raven shook her head, it was probably nothing, probably just two boys messing around or something. Nothing that she should get involved in. Raven sighed, she knew that she should go back to the tower. She knew that she had to, but she also knew that the team probably wouldn't accept her, and if they did they definitely wouldn't trust her in the same way.

She knew what she had to do, though she wasn't excited about doing it. Raven began to fly up in the air, heading in the direction of the titan tower. At first she was confused, she didn't know exactly where to go, she didn't even know where she was, but eventually she did figure it out. A huge t-shaped tower is kind of hard to miss.

Raven eventually got to the tower. She landed on the roof so she wouldn't draw too much attention. She slowly walked down the stairs of the roof and entered the tower, quietly. She made her way down the long and dark hallways of the tower. She passed Beast boy's room and placed a hand on his door, wanting to knock, but not being brave enough to. Raven continued her walked until she made it to the common room where she saw Robin, Starfire, and Cyborg all on the couch talking to one another.

"Hey guys." Raven called out quietly. All three of them turned their heads and a big smile spread across each of their faces. Starfire got up and flew directly towards Raven, embracing her in a big hug.

"Oh friend Raven! I have done the missing of you so very much!" Starfire basically screamed as she hugged Raven even tighter.

"Too. Tight. Star." Raven barley managed to say as she felt as though her lungs were going to implode.

"Oh many apologies friend Raven!" Starfire said as she released Raven from her deathly hug.

"Yo Rae, why were you under the ocean? And how'd you get back?" Cyborg asked.

"I needed to clear my head. How'd you know where I was?" Raven asked.

"We got a report that someone saw you dive in." Robin started. "We looked, but we couldn't find you. We stopped for today and we were going to continue tomorrow, but apparently Beast boy found you first. Where is he by the way?"

"What do you mean.." Raven asked, pleading in her mind that Beast boy didn't go looking for her.

"Well when we left we didn't bring Beast boy 'cause he didn't seem up to it. We left a note explaining everything and when we got back he wasn't here so we figured he must've gone out looking for you, and it looks like her found you." Robing replied with a smile.

Raven's heart ached. This can't be happening. It can't be. It all makes sense now. How Raven survived. How she woke up on the beach. Oh no.

The footsteps!


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the story. So I woke up this morning and checked Wattpad and I saw that this story now has 100 reads! I want to thank you all so much for reading this story, it means more to me than you know. So thank you so much! Have an amazing day :)

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