Chapter 13

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Violets POV

I woke up, duct tape surrounding my arms. I was strapped to a chair in an empty room when my memories can back to me. Abby. I hope she made it out. "Hello!" I screamed. "Nobody can hear you." The voice laughed. I soon realized the voice was Brett. "Where am I? What do you want with me!"

I looked around the room and found a speaker on the ceiling. He was speaking through that. I continued looking then found a doorknob. There's the exit. It blended in with the wall. It would be unnoticeable if it weren't for the doorknob. The walls were plain grey, and the floor was hard cement. "I want my family! Can't you understand that! My dear..." he screamed loudly then softened his voice.

"My dear? My fucking dear? You kidnapped me!" I yelled in anger while looking around the room. Duck tape would take a while to get out of, but it wasn't impossible. "I didn't kidnap you!" He screamed loudly again. "Your my daughter. I love you." He said fake sweetly. Man, bi-polar much?

"This is still kidnap! You aren't my legal guardian!" A piercing scream interrupted my hearing. It came from the speaker. He really is bi-polar. Why did I come out here? Just to find who I really am....

Summer POV

I made the plan with Evie and drove off alone to the address I had found. It couldn't take that long, right?

6 hours later

I made it there quickly outside of his house. Walking up to the window, I peeked through it and saw that there was broken things everywhere. What happened? It reminded me of when I watch CSI:Miami and somebody gets killed. The place is always trashed. Of course Violet couldn't have been killed right? No, if anything, she would have been abducted. He couldn't be stupid enough to hide her in his house. Could he? Well I'm not afraid. Let's go. I pushed open the door and stepped over the broken glass.

"Ahh." I covered my ears when I heard a loud scream. I looked around trying to find the source but came to no result. All I could see was an elegant couch, flat screen tv, and large speakers in the living room. Along with, a giant kitchen with an island. Nice casa. That's not important right now! Violet.

"Right," I said to myself, "Violet."

I searched around the hallway, looking through every door I saw. Walking into one room, I went to the window and looked out to the backyard. A red door caught my sight as I looked down to see a storm shelter.

There. That is where Violet is.

Brett's POV

My precious daughter sat in the chair duck taped to it in my beautiful shelter. I kept it neat and clean because I knew she was coming. I knew she'd like her perfect new room. Of course she's just getting used to it, but she'll love it in time. I'm her rightful father, not that demon that took away my family. My fists began to clench as I went to the microphone in anger and screamed the loudest scream I've ever screamed.

Violet covered her ears with her shoulders. "Stop! You kidnapper!" Violet said in pure anger. "No.... no. No no no no no... no NO!" I screamed again. "I am no kidnapper! No! I'm your father and you'd better call me that!"

"Or what?" She said with a smirk on her face. She must've gotten that from me. "I knew you had me in you..." her smirk disappeared into anger again. "If you don't let me go, then then..." she hesitated.

Ha she had noth- a loud screech of high screaming came about my ears and interrupted my thoughts.

Violet was screaming. Loud. I turned off her microphone that was in her room, and the sound disappeared. "Hahahaha." I began to chuckle. She still has nothing.

Except for her family. All I need is my wife.


I'm sooooo sorry!! It's been a month!!! I'm working on the next chapter!!! Sorry...

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Good luck and Lex out!

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