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I'm about up to here guys.

S \|/

I cant go up any farther. Also I won't. I have given a simple task. A SIMPLE task. Get 6 votes for the next chapter. That was the simple task. 6 votes! It's not like I'm asking for 100!

You guys take forever to meet that and then I have people asking me to update. Not just the one recently but there are more. Here the thing though, I'm not going to give you an update. You don't get an update until you meet the requirements.

That's the deal. If one more person asks me to update when they know the votes required aren't met yet, I'm gonna scream. I am trying to write a book. I love writing. I do. But what I don't love is giving but not getting. I'm giving you chapters if you get my votes. You aren't getting the votes.

Okay maybe some of you don't pay attention to votes, but please start. One person who reads this and doesn't vote keeps all the other readers from getting the next chapter. That means, if you didn't vote on the chapter, you don't want the chapter.

If you don't want the chapters, why are you reading the book? If you don't like the book, don't fucking read it! Excuse my language but dammit!

Then I put out a contest so you guys have something to do while waiting for people to get off their asses and vote.

The person with the best explanation on how much they live the book win. Simple right? Only one person did it.

They are the only person who has commented nice things and votes on every chapter. They are my true fan. I wish I had more.

Just so you know, votes will not go down. They will go up. 7, 8, 9, 10. They will go up with each chapter. It's your responsibility to get the votes in if you want the next chapter.

This book is slowly coming to an end sadly, but you need to know this...

When the 2nd to last chapter comes out, you will not go up one vote to get the last chapter. No, you will have a jump. I'm warning you now.

So guess what?

You better have read this!

Who I Really Am (Book 2 of Am I Dead Yet series)Where stories live. Discover now