Chapter 17

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Well I had to because I couldn't stop myself! What do you think about another contest?? You decide what the prize should be! (Make it realistic I'm 13) suggestions in the comments!!

Violets POV (its back!)

(Don't play song yet!)
No! Summer... "Summer! Summer, are you okay?" I said as she began to stand up. "Yes..." she fell back to the concrete ground, "No..." My face was plastered with worry. He hurt my family...

"What happened, Summer?" She looked at me and shook he head as if to forget it. "No... what happened? Tell me what happened!" She put her finger up to her lips. I started to cry and pulled at the ropes that I was tied to. "Now, now Violet... say hello to your new step mother." My bio father laughed with a smirk. "You're going to have a little brother or sister."

I then realized what he had done. "You sick bastard!" I yelled and pulled at the ropes more, them scraping my wrist in pain. "You hurt my family..." I looked down, a shadow forming over my face.

"No, our family Violet." He said trying to use a sweet voice. I clenched my teeth together.

"You can kidnap me, tie me to a chair, starve me if you wanted to, but you do not ever touch my family! You son of a bitch!" I hopped and broke the chair into pieces tearing out of the ropes and giving my sister my shirt. (I had my undershirt on) I went to the door enraged and swung it open.
Ok play the song!

Summer stood up behind me, limping from a cut on her leg. "Allow me." She walked by me and faced Brett with a knife she had picked up. Summer ran at him about to stab him in the chest when Brett turned the knife on her and stabbed her in the side. On the way down to the floor, Summer kicked Brett's wound and he fell too.

"Summer!" I screamed her name! "Summer!" I ran to her side. She lay down on the ground. "Summer.... sis!" I shook her and she opened her eyes barely.

"Violet..." I began to sob again. "Summer...." she shushed me quietly and tried to calm me down. I pressed down on her wound as blood kept flowing out. Summer started to slowly close her eyes. "No no no no! Summer! Summer stay with me!" I screamed in agony.

"Summer I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry... I love you so much... you're my twin... please don't die..."

She barely moved until she one more thing after I said one more thing. "You're my twin Forever..."

She finished my sentence and let out a breath, "and always."

"No! No! No! Summer! No! Help!"
I screamed out to everywhere. "Help me!" Help... anybody.

"I know you wanted the same thing as me. You just wanted to find out who you really were just like me! Please! I know who you are! You're my twin! Forever! Forever Summer! Forever!" She didn't finish it. "Forever! You cant go! Summer you are a survivor! You're a warrior! It's who you are! You're a warrior! Please no..."

"You have been there..."

It was quiet until I heard the sound of soft sirens.

"Help! Down here please! Help me! Help us! Help!" Cops came running in with none other then Abby.

"I did it Violet." I ran and hugged her. "You did..." I looked at my sister as they took her away in an ambulance. My mother showed up. "Mom!" "Violet!"

"I'm so sorry mom... I should've done something... I'm so sor-" "shh it's okay honey... you're okay."

"But Summer! Is she..?" I sobbed. "It's okay baby everything will be okay! It's not your fault... it's mine. I should've just told you about the past. I'm sorry..."

I lay my head up against my mothers chest sobbing. "Will she be okay?" I said through sobs.

"I don't know." Was all she said before I fainted in her arms.

This story has been all about horrifying things like rape and kidnap and killing. I already knew I had a story that could bring people to the edge of their seats but with this chapter I wanted to see if I could create a heart throbbing moment in your lives.

I really hope I touched you with this chapter and it brought you to tears. I hope you enjoyed!

Lex out!

((P.S get 8 votes here for next chapter))

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