Chapter 18

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Well it's special! Hope you enjoy this like old times!

Lizzy POV

I looked at Violet laying on the couch staring at the clock for the 100th time today. She waited until 3:00 everyday to go see Summer. I tell her she's not to blame, but me telling her that won't help unless she doesn't blame herself.

I wish she would realize it's because of Brett. "Ringggggggggggg dringggggg...." The phone sounded and I picked it up.


"Yes is this Lizzy Fuego?"

"Yes it is... may I ask who is calling?"

"Hi I'm Dan Pattmann and I wanted to inform you that Brett is awake and wanting to talk to you."

My eyes widened. "I could never face him after what he did to my daughters. Not forgetting what he did to me."

"I know m'am, but it seems as if Brett is on his death bed. He wants to say goodbye."

My eyes widened again then softened to normal. "Okay I'll do it. I won't touch him though."

I hung up the phone and Violet jumped up. "It's 2:55 let's go!" I smiled sweetly at her as she turned around and jumped for the car. I held my purse in my hand and put on a look of disgust and anger. I knew what I had to do.

***time skip hospital**

"Sweetie do you mind seeing Summer alone today? I have to do something across town today." Violet looked confused but nodded. I smiled at her as she got out of the car. As soon as she was out, my smile dropped, and I drove off to the mental ward.

"Mrs. Fuego?" The man from the phone said shaking my hand when I walked in. "Mr. Pattmann."

"His room is down there. I'll give you about 5 minutes. He's probably asleep, but you can wake him." Dan said. I will never wake him, ever again.

"Mrs. Fuego?" I snapped out of my thoughts, smiled, and nodded. My feet started walking down to his room. I stopped at the doorway to see Brett sitting up and smiling. "I thought you were on your death bed. I was sure you'd be hooked up to a bunch of tubes." I said looking down with clenched fists.

"You'd love that, wouldn't you? I lied. Only to get you to come, baby." He smirked. My teeth were rubbing together as I turned around and closed the door. "You are a monster!" I screamed but not loud enough for anyone else to hear. "You've hurt me. You've taken my life. You've hurt my family-" "OUR FAMILY!" He cut me off, full anger filling his face and mine.

"No Brett. It has never been ours, or yours, it's been mine! I had the babies! I got married and not to you! I raised my kids, my kids. You are not in the system. You never have been, thankfully, and never will be. Don't ever put yourself in my life." He just smirked. "I'm your son in law. Your daughter was delicious." "My daughter was hurt by you!" I screamed.

"Your daughter loved it!" "My daughter was raped! She is scarred. You are a monster. You are repulsive, and you stay away from my family. Now, I'm gonna make sure of that." He smirked then it dropped.

I ran up to him placing my hands around his throat. He tried to push me away but failed.

I squeezed his throat as hard as I could to where he couldn't escape. I heard the doorknob click as I remembered I forgot to lock it. I pulled out all the needles of him and stabbed him in the throat as the door fully opened. "Mrs. Fue- MRS. FUEGO! SECURITY!" He screamed and ran and grabbed me, pulling me away from Brett.

"No this sick bastard!" The security came in as I continued to struggle in their grasp. All the flashbacks kept coming back to me of Brett hurting me like this.

"No! Get off me! He doesn't deserve to live! You lied to me!" Eventually, I felt a pinch on my arm. I looked to see what it was when I discovered a syringe.

Just like the night Brett almost died I'm stuck with a needle, making me fall asleep. I fought the battle of staying awake.

"No! Let me go! He needs to die! He needs to pay for what he's done!" My voice kept getting softer. "He needs... to pay..."
Darkness filled my sight.

***time skip hours**

I woke up with handcuffs on sitting in a chair in a dimly lit room across from some woman. I started to struggle a bit, confused of where I was.

"Mrs. Fuego I need to ask for you to calm down." I looked at the woman when the light shone on her face.

"Who are you? Where am I?"
"I'm Dr. Azura and you are in a Mental Ward." I looked around shocked at the white walls. "Mental Ward? No... No you don't understand. I'm not crazy! Alright listen, I'm not crazy." I screamed.

"M'am this is for the protection of others and yourself. We need you to calm down. We'll be taking you up to your room, now."

Two men came from behind me and picked me up. I kicked my legs and protested. "I'm not supposed to be here! Im not crazy!" Dr. Azura nodded for them to start walking. "What section is she in?" One of the officers, who I'll call bonehead, said. "Take her to section 6, for the dangerous." Dr. Azura said.

I continued to scream and kick as I was being dragged into an elevator.

Flashbacks filled my brain. Elevator...

He grabbed my hair and dragged me between the doors.

He entered the elevator and pressed the door close button over and over. The elevator squished me and I heard my bones breaking and crushing inside my chest.

Elevators are bad. They are with Brett. "No! Don't take me in this hell hole!" The doors closed and I just kept thinking of it. I heard my bones breaking and crushing inside of my chest. "No! You're gonna hurt me! You'll break my ribs!" Bones breaking and crushing inside of my chest. "Ow! Stop! Stop!" I screamed in agony. I could feel it. Breaking and crushing inside of my chest.

"Help me! Help!" They dropped me to the ground as I thrived in pain. I curled up into a fetal position and opened up again. Crushing inside of my chest. I screamed a high pitched ear piercer. Open and close. Door close button over and over. "Stop! HELP!"

They looked at each other scared. The doors finally opened and they picked me up and threw me out. I landed between the doors.

"No... no.... NO!" I screamed trying to get away but they pulled me back trying to get me back in the elevator. I wouldn't let them. The doors started to close.

The elevator squished me, and I heard my bones breaking and crushing inside of my chest.

Wowwza! Long chapter I know! She almost killed him! Will he ever die?!?

I am announcing that this series will continue! I will be writing another book adding on to this.

No this isn't the end. Not yet! But this chapter featured the winner of the contest's character: Azura.


There is a new cover because of my change of usernames. I hope to keep this one for long. I really like it and I hope you all do too!! I hope you like the new cover that was made.


That's all for today let's get 9 votes on this one for the next chapter!

Lex out!

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