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Ariana's POV:

we took a long walk around the huge flower field. we goofed around a lot, we played tag, hide and seek, and then picked lots of flowers.

we soon headed towards the park, and the sun was coming to its set. leaving the sky a beautiful mix of blue, pink, yellow, and red.

we sat at the bench, talking about all sorts of random stuff.

"shawn, thank you for today. its been such an amazing day." i said as i grabbed his hand.

"anything for my lady." he said and pulled my hand up to his lips, and lightly kissed our intertwined fingers.

i blushed and leaned against his shoulder, as i watched the sun set.

"i have another present for you." he said as he stood up off the bench.

i smiled as he pulled a small box out of his pocket.

"it's not a proposal i swear." he said throwing his hands up.

i laughed and crossed my legs as i rested my head on my hands.

"this is for you." he said and handed me the box.

i opened it up and smiled as i adored the beautiful diamond heart necklace in the box.

"shawn its, its amazing." i said staring at it.

it was the most beautiful necklace i'd ever seen.

i took it out of the box and put it around my neck, looking down at the beautiful jewelry.

"wow, thank you so much." i said and gave him a tight hug.


we left the flower fields and headed back towards my house. the whole time i was admiring the necklace. i couldn't help it, it was absolutely amazing.

we pulled up to my house.

"go pack a bag sugar plum! we're staying at my place tonight." he said and smiled a cheesy smile.

"you're too cute, be right back!" i said as i ran into the house.

i saw nash on the couch.

"how was your day birthday girl?" he asked me.

"amazing! and hey i'm staying at shawns tonight." i said as i started heading upstairs.

"why shawns?" he asked.

"i don't know? he just told me to pack a bag." i said.

"well, better there than here am i right!" he said and rolled his eyes.

"shut up!" i yelled and ran to my room.

i grabbed my small adidas duffle bag and grabbed a change of undergarments, sweatpants, a t shirt to sleep in, and clothes for tomorrow. i was walking out and i saw my black lace bra set sitting on my dresser that i got not long ago.

my mind took a dark turn, and i grabbed it, throwing it in my bag. i laughed at myself then ran down stairs and out the door.

"bye nash! love you!" i yelled as i ran out.

i got in the car and threw my bag in the back seat.

"ready freddy?" he asked.

"ready eddy." i answered and we laughed.

- 10 minutes later we arrive at his house.

he walks me in, and i admire his beautiful house.

"movie time?" he asks and heads over to the TV.

"sure." i said and smiled sitting on the couch.

"what kind of movie do you wanna watch? funny? scary? sad? romantic?" he exaggerated the "romantic".

"oh god, please no romance." i laughed.

"ok, how about step brothers?" he asked.

"oh my god yes! i love that movie!" i got all excited.

"step brothers it is!" he said and put the movie in. he came and sat by me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"i had a fun time today with you." he said and kissed the top of my head.

"i did too, thank you for everything."


"favorite non pornographic magazine to masturbate to.. good house keeping!" i said along with brennen and dale off of step brothers.

(you'll probably think i'm crazy for that ^ if you've never seen step brothers.. and if you haven't, i recommend you go see it... NOW)

shawn laughed at me.

"what! ive seen this movie so many times i swear i could remember every line." i said and laughed.


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