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[ shawn mendes ]

today is ariana's 18th birthday. i wanna do something special for her, even though i know she likes things on the simpler side. i got a ton of pictures from over the time we've known each other and put them in a book. she loves pictures, she has thousands of them.

i had dinner set up at my house, she said she'd be here by 7. we spent the day together running around town, then she had to go home to visit her aunt. she insisted on me staying, and i felt bad for saying no, but i had to set this up.


about an hour later, the clock hit 7. i sat there on the couch, waiting for her to show up any minute now. i didn't wanna text her, cuz i didn't wanna rush her.

i walked up to go grab her flowers, and a knock came to the door. i smiled as i grabbed the flowers and ran to the door.

i opened it and saw ariana standing there. her long brown hair was straightened almost perfectly, even though its already pretty straight alone, she had a small amount of makeup on, including some mascara that made her eyelashes really pop out, but in a good way. she had her black rain coat on which was covered in soft snowflakes, and the faint smell of her perfume danced in the air.

"take a picture, it'll last longer." she said and winked as she walked past me and into the house.

i laughed to myself and turned around, shut the door, and embraced her in a tight hug.

"happy birthday my beautiful lady!" i said fairly loud.

"thank you.." she laughed and pulled back to take her jacket off.

"here.." i said and took it from her.

i hung her coat up and grabbed the flowers once again.

"roses for my baby." i said and handed them to her.

"i freaking love roses." she said and took a big smell of the red flowers.

i laughed at her reaction and grabbed her hand.

"now, come with me." i said and pulled her to the kitchen.

i had the table set up with our dishes and the food was set out.

"shawn.." she gasped.

i looked over at her, her face was in complete awe. cant blame her, i didn't even know i could be this romantic.

"and i got you a little something.." i said and grabbed the picture book wrapped up in light blue wrapping paper.

"you shouldn't of,"

"shawn you're too good to me. i feel like a horrible girlfriend, you always do stuff for me and me, i'm just me." she said with a sigh.

"you being just you is all i could ask for ariana. don't make yourself feel bad. it's your birthday! i wanted to spoil you." i said and kissed her cheek.

"now open the present!" i said hurriedly and she laughed at me.

"i'm going!" she said.

she gently opened up the present, she never tore the wrapping paper. she hated the sound.

she smiled as she looked at the picture book. the cover was plain baby blue with a small picture of the first picture of us together on it.

she opened it up and flipped through the pages, reading the notes i left with every picture. by the end, a tear had slipped down her cheek.

"don't cry." i laughed and wiped her tear away.

"shawn i love you." she said and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"i love you too darling, now let's eat before the food gets cold!" i said and ran to the table.

she laughed and wiped her face off, somehow none of her makeup smeared.

she sat across from me and stared at me for a few seconds.

"take a picture, it'll last longer." i mimicked her from earlier.

she laughed and shook her head.

"i really, really, love you. i really do." she said and continued to look at me.

"and i really really love you." i said and flashed a smile at her, causing her to blush instantly.

"you're too cute.. now we feast!" i said and earned a laugh from ariana for the thousandth time tonight.

anything to keep my baby happy, anything.


so guys i'm starting to only do special occasions on this book! chapters will only be about special occasions. this one will have a part two!

and i started a new book called expelled! you guys should go check that out too if you want to. ill be working on that book a lot! thank you all for your support on this book, it means the world and beyond to me. xx

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