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Imagine Skittery Staying with You when You're Sick
"(y/n)," Skittery whispers, his cool hand on your shoulder, gently shaking you.
You groan and open your eyes.
"Morning already?" you try to joke, but you end up coughing. The coughing fit lasts a few moments, and when it's over, you start to get out of bed.
Skittery gently pushes you back down. "You ain't sellin' today, (y/n)."
"But-" you begin to protest but cough violently again. In the back of your mind, you start to plot how to sneak out after the boys leave so you can still sell. You press a hand to your forehead, trying to stop the pain for a moment so you can think clearly.
"I'll stay with ya," Skittery softly says, sitting on the edge of your bed.
"You need to sell," you protest.
He shakes his head, lying down beside you and putting an arm protectively over you. "I'm good here."
" But Skittery," you plead. "You'll catch whatever I've got."
"You caught this from me, remember? I was as sick as you are this time last week." He smirks. "You ain't gettin' rid of me."
"Alright," you finally agree, reaching out from under the covers to take his hand.
"Skittery!" Race shouted from across the room. "Quit snugglin' with your goil! It's time to get a move on!"
"You comin'?" Mush asks.
"Naw, I'm gonna stay here and take care of (y/n)," Skittery replies, not moving a muscle.
"Gonna cuddle with your goil all day 'stead of workin'?" Race teases, trying to get a rise out of Skittery.
"Actually, I think I will," Skittery says. "Now get outta here, ya bummas!"
Race rolls his eyes, but he and Mush leave without saying anything more. The two of you are left in peace. With the special treatment you're getting from Skittery, you almost don't mind being sick.

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