Daddy Davey :)

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-So Davey has a medium sized family. The names I picture are: Aaron, Michelle, Susan, and Levi.
- He's a bit stricter than Jack and Crutchie. It's just because he wants to make sure his kids are educated and safe.
- He works his butt off so that his kids can go to school, and Levi actually gets a scholarship and becomes a doctor...Davey's never been so proud of his youngest son.
-Davey tries to read with his kids every day, even if has to be during a meal every once in awhile. He wants them to know the feeling of being lost in a story...
-I know I said this about one of Crutchie's kids too, but I can't help myself. One of Davey's children eventually marries one of Jack's.
- The spend a lot of time at grandma and grandpa's house because the entire Jacobs family has dinner together every Wednesday, and Sunday.
- Davey's the kind of parent that taught his kids to go everywhere in pairs, just like he and Les did.
- He totally carries his kids on his back when they're small.
- As his kids get older, Davey becomes a nervous wreck...He remembers being a teen....
-Crutchie, Jack, and Davey get their kids together every Saturday. If it's warm they go to the park. If it's cold they take turns hosting.
- Davey, the offiial mom friend, takes it to a whole new level when he becomes a dad. Extra diapers,diaper pins, snacks, rags, bandages, water, sweaters....literally everything you need is in his overflowing bag...
- You know that scene in Daddy's Home where one tries to teach the bullied kid how to fight, and the other tries to teach him different ways to communicate, like dancing...Yeah, that's Davey and know exactly who is fighting and who's dancing...
-One of Davey's kids is on the autism spectrum, and Davey literally does everything, reads everything, and talks to everyone he can to make things a little easier for his child. He keeps a journal full of information he's found, observations he's made, little break throughs the child has, and little tricks that seem to help.

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