Another Day of Hell

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"Blanc! Blanc Iridesca Schnee!, hurry and make your poor, starving cousins breakfast!"

Blanc woke up to the screaming banshees that were her family. She loathed them- she hated everything about them. But it's not like she could leave them as they were her only remaining family. Blanc was an only child. Her parents died in a house fire 10 years ago: just after she had been born.

Suddenly a loud sound startled her as she was pulled-by her hair- into the kitchen by her annoying cousins: Talia and Jennifer. The so-called "loveliest girls ever born" treating their cousin like this. This was even worse because it was their birthday and Blanc had to stay at home by herself and cook all sorts of meals for the fattening pigs. Roast dinner, Blanc's favourite cabanara and a forty layer chocolate cake. Hooray.  And all Blanc would be left with is pain for breakfast; lunch and dinner.

She had to put on her so-called uniform: which was one of those Japanese school girl outfits. She didn't mind the outfit but it was horrible in the afternoon because  she spends every day being whipped and stays in a scorching kitchen for 24 hours-she got very sweaty.

"Oi Blanny Blanny B you almost done with being a piece of crap or have you finally finished breakfast yet?," asked Talia in a mocking tone.

Blanc was so glad that she didn't have to go with them. Especially after what happened last night.

Flashback time

It was 8 o' clock at night Blanc had been up for ages trying to get it done. It was a outfit that was in memory of her parents. It was stunning it had sandals; a hat; a dress and a long coat.

Blanc was impressed with her work

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Blanc was impressed with her work. Sure it had taken nine months to finish but it was perfect. That moment was ruined.

"Well, well what have I here?  A rat trying to sew her own clothes? You're even more pathetic than I thought," mocked Jennifer.

"Go away Jennifer. I thought you said you would never lay eyes on me or are you breaking your own rule?"

"Ooh, the rose has thorns. Utter one more word and I tell daddy and he won't be pleased," threatened Jennifer: Blanc pushed against the wall.

"And to make sure you keep your promise, here's a present for you!"

Jennifer tore Blanc's finished outfit to shreds as she laughed manically. And with that she left.

Blanc wept. Whoever thought it was best for her parents to die and her survive was a dumbass.

End of  Flashback.

"Brat were leaving, if everything is not finished in time you're getting whipped for two hours instead of one,"bellowed her uncle, Simon.

The door slammed shut.

Blanc breathed a sigh of relief.

Time skip of an hour because I'm lazy. DEAL WITH IT!!

"I wonder what it would be like if I was one of the twins? "

Blanc asked herself this question numerous times but could never find an answer.

Everything was ready for the party.

"I've heard they going to the zoo: imagine if one of the twins fell in one of the animal habitats."

Suddenly the doorbell rang and Blanc rushed to get it so she didn't get whipped more.


"You utter one word and your dead!" murmured her uncle.

Blanc was astonished to see both her cousins drenched in water. Blanc's uncle pulled her aside.

"Somehow one of the glass windows disappeared by the rattlesnake enclosure and both of the twins fell in and the glass reappeared after they fell inside. Brat if you value your life you will not snigger or speak during this party. Got it!?"

Blanc nodded in agreement

The party raged on until 12 o'clock at night. When Blanc finally slept was another question. She didn't sleep until 2 o'clock because she was cleaning up.

When she finally got into bed, she whispered into the darkness.

"Mum? Dad? It's your daughter: Blanc. I hope your having a good time in heaven. My life sucks in the world of the living. I still manage to get by though. Hope you are watching over me from heaven. Miss you lots. Your ever loving Blanc."

And on that note,  Blanc fell asleep: hoping that tomorrow will be a better day.

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