Making Friends is Hard.

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The next morning, Mina took Blanc to Tokyo. Blanc wondered  why she was coming to Tokyo if she was buying supplies for a school for goddesses.

"Mina, why are we in Tokyo if I'm going to school that's special for people like me?"

"We're not staying just in Tokyo. We're going behind Tokyo."

Blanc was worried about how behind Tokyo she was going. She didn't paticularly want to be shopping in an alley behind a technology store for her supplies.

Eventually they stopped outside a restaurant.

The Lucky Crystal

Blanc and Mina entered the restaurant before immediately dodging a incoming sword.

"Okay, who decided to throw the sword?"

All inhabitants of the restaurant pointed to the barman.

"Well, long time no see Mina. Let me guess?This is the little girl that survived the massacre?"

"Excuse me, what massacre are you talking about?"asked Blanc.

Several whispers erupted throughout the restaurant.

"Kid, there's not a single person in this room that doesn't know about The Massacre of Lowee."

"Mina, you need to tell her or else who knows what could happen to her."

"Come on Blanc it's time to leave."

And they left.

Mina began to chant a spell of some sort and the wall disappeared and a completely different area appeared where the wall was. A vibrant banner displayed the name of the area of colours.

Gamer Alley

Blanc was astonished at the colours in the alley. Everywhere she looked she was greeted by smiles; colours and a bright life.
This is the life she would've wanted.

"Mina, long time no see!"shouted three unfamiliar voices.

Blanc turned around and saw three girls.

"Hi, my name is Neptune Lilac. Soon to be CPU of Planeptune:the Land of Purple Progress. What's your name? 

Blanc noticed this girl called Neptune had short light purple hair and dark purple eyes.

Blanc noticed this girl called Neptune had short light purple hair and dark purple eyes

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"Neptune,  honestly you're being rude. She might be new to this like us and she's shy. Sorry about Neptune. I'm Noire Belladonna. Soon to be CPU of Lastation:the Land of Black Regality."

Blanc saw that Noire had pitch black hair in pigtails tied with ribbons and crimson red eyes

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Blanc saw that Noire had pitch black hair in pigtails tied with ribbons and crimson red eyes.

The final girl however annoyed Blanc the most. She had long blonde hair with a braid at the back of her hair with sapphire blue eyes. Though Blanc wasn't pissed off at that: she was pissed at her chest. The girl's boobs were freaking huge and Blanc was as flat as a rack. Sure Neptune was just as flat as her and Noire had decent sized boobs but this girl's boobs were huge!

 Sure Neptune was just as flat as her and Noire had decent sized boobs but this girl's boobs were huge!

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"Why hello, my name is Vert Xiao Long, soon to be CPU of Leanbox: the Land of Green Pastures. "

Without even realising Vert bounced her boobs.

"I HATE YOU THUNDER TITS!!!"Blanc screamed at Vert.

"How dare you mock my breasts when you're as flat as a kitchen tile."

If it weren't for Mina  stepping in, Blanc would have easily gone for Vert's throat.

"Introduce yourself to your first friends." Mina whispered in Blanc's ear.

"My name is Blanc Schnee,  soon to be CPU of Lowee: the Land of White Serenity. I hope we can all be good friends. Except for you, Thunder Tits. "

"Oi, I heard that you annoying flat brat."

"How about you go with these girls to get your things for school, Blanc?"suggested Mina.

"I refuse to hang out with a big boobed bitch like Vert."

"Give Vert a chance."

"Fine. "

So the girls walked off and immediately the three girls noticed something wrong with Blanc.

"Hey are you okay Blanc? You seem nervous?"questioned Neptune.

"Yeah. I'm nervous because you guys are my first actual friends."admitted Blanc.

"What! " all three girls shouted in unison.

"We are your first friends . That's crazy."shouted Vert and Noire.

"We'll be friends until the end. After all:us goddesses need to stick together, right?"stated Neptune.

"Yeah. "

And that was when Blanc got her first group of friends and she was glad she would have someone to go through this new experience with.

Blanc Schnee and the Goddess' CrystalWhere stories live. Discover now