The Next Star Player

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It had been  three days since the year started and everything was going great. Especially on that day.

It was an average start to the day: Blanc and the others were waiting for Neptune and Jay to wake up.

"Is Neptune normally this late?"asked Lloyd.

"Is Jay normally this late?"replied Blanc sarcastically.

"Good point."

"Aaah! Shit, I'm gonna be laaaattteeee!!!"screamed Jay and Neptune.

"My guess is they only just woke up."said Kai.

"How about we go to the hall and leave them to do their stuff?" suggested Noire.

"Agreed."said everyone in unison.

The group left and ate breakfast with Sora and the others.

"Why didn't you wake us up this morning?"asked Neptune and Jay.

"We tried this morning but you're deep sleepers. We didn't want to miss out on breakfast because you two were busy in pillow land dreaming about fucking each other."said Blanc with a smirk on her face.

"WE WEREN'T DREAMING ABOUT DOING THAT AT ALL!!!" screamed the both of them.

"Hurry up and eat something, breakfast ends in ten minutes."

So they ate. Jay and Neptune gave the group weird looks as they ate.

"Alright it's time to get to class."declared Professor Celestia.
Blanc rushed out of the hall because she had Professor Jinguji's class first and she didn't want to be late.

Lloyd eventually caught up with her and discovered that Blanc was the only one of the group who was in this class with him.

"H-hey."whispered a now flustered Lloyd.

"Hey."replied a shy Blanc.

An awkward silence had started between the two. Since they both had feelings for each other and no one else that they were knew were there, it was incredibly uncomfortable.

Professor Jinguji arranged the students at desks. Luckily Blanc and Lloyd got desks next to each other.

"Good morning, I am Professor Jinguji. I will be your History of Dimensions teacher this year. You will learn that there are unknown dimensions in the world and some of you have come from different worlds. Mr Garmadon, you come from a different world don't you?"said Professor Jinguji.

"Yes. I come from a dimension called Ninjago."

After the talk about dimensions, the rest if the day went quick.

For the third period was flying practice. This lesson was exclusive to the ninjas,gods and goddesses.

"Hello students I am Chika Hakozaki or as you will call me,Professor Hakozaki and I am your flying teacher. I am also Leanbox's Oracle. Meaning if anyone hurts Vert, you will pay."declared Professor Hakozaki.

"Focus your energy into creating something to make you fly. Like a pair of wings or a dragon. Begin now!"

Neptune tried creating a broom like in Harry Potter. That plan was immediately fucked as the broom kept hitting her in the face. Blanc snorted as she managed to achieve fully functioning angel wings on her first try.

"Excellent Miss Schnee. Angel wings are considered an S-Class flight summon. That is normally extremely difficult for even the most talented summoners. Top marks."exclaimed Miss Hakozaki.
"Thank you. It looks like Vert has almost done it."

"Good job my adorable goddess. Pretend you're watching smut or having a good time with me to assist you." Professor Hakozaki whispered seductively into Vert's ear.

"I don't know why but seeing this happening has just reminded me of Valkyrie Drive Mermaid and how much goddamn yuri and lesbian stuff was in it."said Neptune.

"Miss Lilac, I would appreciate keeping the anime references to yourself and not comparing our relationship to a Valkyrie Drive one. We haven't got there....yet." said Professor Hakozaki.

"Ow!!!"screamed Noire.

"Oi, what's the matter with you Belladonna? Can't do a simple flight summon?"sneered Arfoire as she and her cronie Warechu walked past.

"Go to your lessons at once." yelled Hakozaki.

"Fine, but first let me do THIS!!!" screamed Arfoire.

Arfoire pushed Noire into a razor plant but before she could fully reach, Kai grabbed her and he was injured too.

"Alright, that's enough practice for today. I am going to take these two to the medical room. Make sure that those two don't move."ordered Hakozaki.

"Yes Professor."agreed the students.

After Professor Hakozaki left, Arfoire noticed that Noire had dropped something. It was her Sharicite. Given to her by her mother as a reminder of Lastation. Arfoire seized the chance and joked around with it.

"Oi Bar Whore, that's Noire's. Hand it over now or be destroyed."warned Neptune.

"This is real life Lilac,not video games. I AM NOT JUST GOING TO HAND IT OVER AM I???!!!"yelled Arfoire as she threw it towards the gargoyles.

They began to move and play with it.

Blanc was tired of Arfoire's shit and took action. Using her wings, she flew up to get the Sharicite back. It wasn't easy.  When she almost had it, Arfoire shot up from the ground and caught it.

"What you gonna do know Schnee, give up? Admit defeat?" sneered the whore.

Blanc felt a surge of power within her as she felt her wings be replaced for new ones. They had a large and thick rectangle connected to a thinner and longer one. The rectangles were a faded blue and white and there was a single diamond in the corner underneath the thick rectangle. Her hair turned blue and her eyes glowed red with a power button symbol.

"It's time for you to witness the power of White Heart. Here I come, bitch!!!"yelled White Heart.

"N-no way. That's not possible. Your power should be gone. You can't still be able to transform. Blue Heart destroyed your power."stuttered Arfoire.

White Heart punched Arfoire before shooting off in different directions before coming back at full force, it was as if there were a thousand of her attacking. Then she grabbed Arfoire and threw her off guard with a punch before using her leg to kick Arfoire, making her fall to the ground.

After the aerial battle, Blanc fell from the sky, her transformation having worn her out. The others raced to catch her before throwing her up in the air, cheering her name.

Sadly, Professor Jinguji arrived on the scene taking Blanc with her. Soon they arrived at Professor Ankokobushi's classroom. A senior student walked out with Professor Jinguji.

"Miss Blanc Schnee this is Bryce Halberton. Bryce, I have found you a Seeker."explained Jinguji.

"Are you sure? She's only a first year and she doesn't look like she could withstand a hit from one of the balls ."questioned Bryce.

Blanc didn't like hearing someone talk shit about her, especially when she could clearly hear. She did the same move she did on Arfoire and pinned him to the ground with her elbow.

"Did you seriously just say that in front of me or is my hearing going bad?"

"Okay, you can join. Meet me tomorrow evening at the biology huts. I tell you everything you need to know."said Bryce.

The two shook hands. Blanc left to go back to her class where she discovered that Noire and Kai were back and she spotted the two holding hands. She was immediately bombarded with questions and she answered that she was becoming the new Seeker for Share House.

Everyone was jealous and the rest of the day went by with someone asking Blanc how she got on the team. The entire school knew and Little Miss Bar Whore was not happy.

Blanc Schnee and the Goddess' CrystalWhere stories live. Discover now