Blue Heart

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Blanc and her newfound friends went shopping for school items: such as textbooks; ink; quills and other things. Eventually they arrived at Madame Snippets'  Every- occasion Robes  for their uniforms.

After settling down at a cafe, Mina met up with the girls for a latte

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After settling down at a cafe, Mina met up with the girls for a latte.

"Now , have you girls gotten your weapons for sparring yet?"asked Mina.

"Nope. We thought it would be best if we helped Blanc get hers."stated Noire.

"Why would I need a weapon , I thought I would just be learning shit."questioned Blanc.

"Goddesses have a duty to protect others as well as themselves. When they enroll at Gamicademi, they are taught not only to be a excellent goddess,  they are also taught to protect their nation from people like her. 

" Mina? Is the girl your talking about the same girl that the barman at The Lucky Crystal spoke about ?"asked Blanc.

"Yes,"said Mina in a hushed voice.

"What was her name?"asked Blanc.

"Blue Heart."spoke Mina

"Blue Heart?"said Blanc.

"Blue Heart enrolled at Gamicademi like you four will be doing. She had a hard life like Blanc and had spent her life in an orphanage. She was an amazing student who excelled at every subject."started Mina.

However, when she left Gamicademi to rule her nation called Tari, she showed her true  colours. The authorities dealt with any citizen that talked badly about Blue Heart and the nation lost it's Share Energy  and fell to ruin. It was named The Great Crash."

"Woah,  this is some freaky shit,"stated Noire.

"After Tari's destruction, Blue Heart was imprisoned in Gamertraz Prison for 18 years. She was broken out by her corrupted organisation: The Seven Sages."continued Mina

"The world was plunged into chaos: people were being slaughtered yet Blue Heart wanted more. She wanted her nation back but once a nation dies,  it can never return.

So Blue Heart raised an army and threatened her former soldiers to assist her. So they attacked one of the four nations of Gamindustri: Blanc's nation of Lowee. Numerous Lowee citizens were slaughtered in The Massacre of Lowee including Blanc's parents;  the god and goddess of Lowee. If not for Blanc somehow defeating Blue Heart, the world would've descended into oblivion."

Blanc was speechless. She was terrified. What if Blue Heart found a way to return and wanted to kill Blanc for killing her?

"So Blanc , know you know  the story of how your nation was destroyed Blue Heart."

"We need to get a weapon for me immediately. If she should ever return or a new threat comes to this world,  I want to be able to give Gamindustri a fighting chance. That is my oath."declared Blanc.

"Now let's go get my weapon."

"YEAH!"shouted the group.

The group left the cafe to get Blanc a weapon , unaware that someone was observing them.

I'm gonna try to upload another chapter today and if not I'll do two tomorrow for you guys.  Sayonara for now. 

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