Something's Wrong

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Cole's POV:

It was about 8 at night. Sora and the others had been with us since 6. Kairi and Namine had been doing Noire's makeup whilst Vert was on a quest with her MMO guild online.

Kai and Neptune had been sparring for a while (Neptune desperate to beat him to become the protagonist again) whilst Sora, Lloyd, Blanc and Roxas were playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Blanc and Sora were about neck and neck whilst Lloyd was trying to take out the computers with Roxas.

I was with Jay and Riku doing a Skype with Sensei Wu when the power cut.

"I didn't realise we were using that much power. This never happens in my house."stated Noire.

"We don't need your tsundere voice right now, Noire. I think this might be the transmitters going off. But why would the power need to be cut?"said Vert.

"I think we should check the hallway where the fox is."suggested Riku.

"Noire, did you find anything out about the crystal on your holiday? Something we may have missed?"asked Namine. 

"There was a page in the book that was ripped but it showed that the crystal needed a large surge if energy to reveal its location because it continuously moves. A large surge can make it stay still for about an hour." informed Noire as the group ran to the corridor.

"Great. So we're dealing with a crystal that's continuously moves.  As if tonight couldn't get any better."Sora said sarcastically.

The group eventually arrived at the door. In the distance, they heard two voices: one belonging to Professor Sage and the other belonging to Mr Grimsby the caretaker.

"Go in quickly or else we're screwed. Sora and his group go first, then the ninjas and the goddesses go last because there's less of us."whispered Blanc.

We started to enter the room, with just seconds between us and Mr Grimsby.

"Okay, so where is the fox?"asked Riku.

"Right by your foot."said Namine as she pointed to the fox's heads laying by Riku's foot.

"Is it dead?"asked Kai.

"No. I think it's just sleeping. Look, someone's set that harp to play. Maybe it's so that the fox won't wake up. Be careful where you step,you never know what could wake up the fox." whispered Noire cautiously.

I tried stepping quietly,but I stepped on a loose stone. Please don't let it wake up. Please I am begging.

Absolutely fucking nothing.

"Guys, I found a trapdoor. Do you think this leads to the crystal?"whispered Kairi.

"Probably. Wait, something's not right. Why has the harp stopped?"whispered Jay.

"I've got a better question:where's the freaking fox?"asked Neptune.

"Jay, what's that on your shoulder?"asked Roxas.

"Eew!!! I think I got drooled on. Why is it always me!?"moaned Jay.

I heard a large growl from behind me. I began to draw my scythe from my back. Vert began materialising her spear. I saw a paw incoming and Vert and I blocked it.

"Shit, it's here."stated Sora.

"Vert and I will hold it off. You guys need to make sure Blanc gets the crystal and not the enemy."I declared.

"No, we fight as a team and we end as a team."Jay argued.

"Every second we spend arguing, the closer evil gets to achieving their goal."I argued.

"There's only one goddess White Heart. You're the only one who can stop the evil. It has to be you Blanc. Blanc needs all the help she can get. Protect her!!!"said Vert.

Blanc stood still the whole time. I could tell she was thinking.

"Cole and Vert are sacrificing themselves to hold of the fox while we get the crystal. If anything, they are the only noble ones here. I am your leader. Their sacrifice could lead to a better future. I can't thank you enough. We will not fail. Good luck to you both."declared Blanc with her head hung down.

"Silica, boost all party member stats to level 66. Boost Blanc and Lloyd's HP and SP to be 1344."commanded Vert as her green ferret appeared. 

I could tell Blanc was thankful but also annoyed that we were doing what her parents had done. She's an admirable leader like Lloyd.

"That girl is only 11 and she's willing to give up her life for the good of mankind. Take a leaf out of her book. Lloyd's the only one willing to do the same. "I said.

Lloyd followed Blanc as she was leaving. Sora and the others followed behind.

That Blanc is something else. I don't know many girls who would be willing to do that. But I need to focus on the fox.

"It's time to end this. You and me together, we can conquer anything."

The time was now. Everything was now. I would go past my limit.

Cole and Vert's POV:

Please Blanc. Don't fail us now.

The end of the story is almost upon us. Btw, I know there are  Greenflame shippers who read the 'Love at First Sight' chapter thinking it might have been for Greenflame. I completely ship Greenflame and before I shipped Boyd, Greenflame was my number one ship. That doesn't mean that I won't write a Greenflame story. I will be writing one.


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