Christmas at Gamicademi

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The school year had gone by surprisingly very quickly and before the students knew it,Christmas was here.

Only a few people were staying at Gamicademi, Blanc being one. Vert was visiting her family in Leanbox with Cole as his dad was busy all Christmas. Neptune was visiting her family and friend Plutia while Jay visited his parents in Ninjago. Finally, Noire was going back to Lastation for the break to visit and research the goddess' crystal and Kai was spending Christmas with his sister Nya.

Meaning that Blanc and Lloyd were together. In Room 6. For the whole break. Alone.

Lloyd's POV:

Oh my god. I am spending the entire break with Blanc. My one true love. Originally, I was going to stay with my parents and uncle for the holiday but then Blanc would be alone and I didn't want her to close herself off more.

Since she's shy, she always has her nose in a book. She isolates herself and I figured that by staying with her, she might open up more to at least one of us. And sadly, some stuff happened in the family and I had to stay at Gamicademi anyway.

"Hey Lloyd? Is it okay if I come in?"called Blanc from outside the boy's room.

I wonder what she could want? It's almost half twelve.

"Yeah, it's open. Come on in."I replied.

She walked in and DAMN did she look cute. In her blue and white nightgown and she was a holding a fucking teddy bear. She looked like a kid in the movies who comes into their parents room when they have a nightmare.

"Hey, what's up? Did you need something?"I asked.

"I just got a bit lonely since I normally have the other girls in my room and I saw your light was still on and I...I."Blanc whimpered as she began to cry.

I ran up to her and hugged her. She cried harder into my chest as I tried to calm her down.

"It's okay. I think you're the strongest girl I've ever met and you're so brave for coming. Vert told me about your old life, how you just discovered a few days before we started that you were a goddess and how your aunt, uncle and cousins treated you. And it's okay to feel scared and lonely since no one else is there. That's just part of growing up. So it's okay you're crying."I said as she calmed down.

She stopped crying and she looked really fucking cute now.

'U-um Lloyd? Would it be okay if I slept with you tonight?"she asked.

I looked at her. She looked at me. Blushes easily visible on our faces. Blanc immediately became flustered.

"W-wait! I didn't mean it in that context. I meant s-sleep in the same bed. Wait that sounds even worse now. Fuck!!!"

Blanc was getting so flustered and it was really cute to see. She never acts like this. She's either reading, being shy,or being a savage bitch.

"Hey it's okay. I understand what you're trying to say and sure, it's cool with me. We should probably sleep now,it's quarter to 12 and Christmas is tomorrow."I said.

She nodded her head, still embarrassed by what happened. We climbed into bed and she immediately cuddled me.

After I got comfortable, Blanc fell asleep and...she looked really cute. She acts really mature but sleeps like a baby.

I'm just happy she's being more open now.

The Next Morning

The sun shone through the window. As I woke up, Blanc's eyes fluttered open.

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