Seven Minutes in Heaven

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You guys should have realised this was coming. Just to let you know that the reason why I am developing Blanc and Lloyd's relationship is because people say how Ginny and Harry's love came out of nowhere. So I didn't want that here.

Blanc's POV:

It was the first day of half term after my win in the Share Rumble match. I was still slowly recovering from the spears that I was impaled by. But the bright side is what happened between Lloyd and I. We truly kissed. Vert was bombarding us with questions about where we were  before arriving at the party. I think she suspects something. After all, she is the shipper goddess.

I am currently doing my homework. I know everyone thinks I am a smartass because I turn my homework in on time and I read a lot of books, but I fucking hate school. I thought I would like it but I only do the work so I don't get stuck cleaning bathrooms as punishment. Some days I feel like skipping a class but I don't want to get Mina on my back. She can be pretty fucking scary when you piss her off.

Lloyd turned up after five minutes of me attempting and failing to do my maths homework.

Legit, this is me whenever I try to do my homework.

"Hey, can you come with me for a second? There's someone I want you to talk to."he asked me.

I followed him out of our room and into the courtyard on the edge of the woods where Mina's house was. Lloyd took out his phone and started to dial a number. He pressed face time and three people cane up on the screen. A man with a long white beard with a Japanese hat on his head. Another man with grey hair in the same style as Lloyd's hair and a woman with grey hair in a braid.

"Hey son, who's this girl your with? Is it a friend you've made?"asked the man with the white beard.

This is before everyone went to shit at the end of season 4 but after season 2.

"Yes. Mom, Dad, Uncle Wu, this is Blanc Schnee. She was one of the first friends I made."replied Lloyd.

"Hello. I have really been enjoying my time at the school. Your son has certainly been making it easier for me."I said.

"She's so precious. Lloyd, is she the girl who you kissed?"asked Lloyd's mum.

"Mom! I told you not to mention that."Lloyd replied, flustered.

"Now now Misako. There's no need to embaress the lovebirds. They were just like as when we were their age."said Lloyd's dad.

"Yes Garmadon. I remember the love letter you wrote to me."said Misako.

"So Blanc, do you like or love my son?"asked Garmadon.

"Dad!!! Don't upset her. She can get shy."said Lloyd.

"No it's okay. I just never been asked something like that before. Yes, I do truly love your son. He's been there for me since we met. He's the only guy for me and I couldn't be happier with anyone else."I replied.

"Lloyd, she's perfect. Blanc if you ever need a place to stay or you need anything, we will always be there for you."said Garmadon.

"Thank you."I replied,still slightly worried that Garmadon accepted our relationship.

"We have to go now nephew, but you and Blanc can call at any time."said Lloyd's uncle Wu.

"Okay. Good bye. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day."I replied as formally as I could.

"She's so precious. Lloyd, take a leaf out of your girlfriend's book and be more like that with us."said Misako as she complemented me.

"She's not my girlfriend!!! We're just really good friends."

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