Making Enemies is Easy

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After the two day flight to Gamicademi, Blanc and her friends changed into their uniforms before the plane landed.

After landing, the students were greeted by the Deputy Headmistress of Gamicademi, Kei Jinguji.

"Welcome first years, to Gamicademi School for God, Goddesses, Ninjas and Keyblade Masters

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"Welcome first years, to Gamicademi School for God, Goddesses, Ninjas and Keyblade Masters. I am Kei Jinguji, but you will call me Professor Jinguji. I will be leading you to the Share Hall, where you will be sorted into one of two houses, Share House or Anti House. We must hurry as the other years are waiting."declared Kei.

As the group of students arrived outside the hall, Kei left to see if they were ready for the new years.

"Oi Belladonna, you should consider yourself lucky that your Oracle is here to protect you. Not all of us have a life of luxury like you and look how you've turned out. You're a spoilt brat who always gets what she wants, while most of the people here are working for your parents. You don't care about anyone but yourself, do you?"sneered an unknown girl.

Blanc and the others were talking when it happened but when the girl finished, the group started up an argument.

"Oi leave Noire alone, what the hell did she do to you?"snapped Blanc.

"Heh, you must either be brave or dumb enough to attempt to stand up to me, you annoying flat bitch."said the girl.

"Oi, at least have the decency to tell someone your name before you start up an argument with them, you idiot."hissed Vert.

"My name is Arfoire Magiquone, and this girl's family has annoyed mine so I am going to annoy her."

"Your name is Bar Whore? Wow that's a really bad name. I feel kinda sorry for you!"laughed Neptune.

"That's not my name you bratty little goddess!"exclaimed Arfoire.
"Let's break up the fight Miss Magiquone. Do you have any idea who you are talking too?"spoke Kei as she arrived back on the scene.

"No, and I don't really care. She's just another bratty twerp who needs to know her place."

"She is Blanc Schnee, the girl who survived the Massacre of Lowee and saviour of Gamindustri. She was the one who killed Blue Heart and saved the whole dimension. You should show her respect.

Whispers erupted and spread from the crowd like wildfire.

Eventually everyone crowded around Blanc, asking her questions before Lloyd, luckily, pulled her away from the group.

"Thanks Lloyd, I owe you one."thanked Blanc.

"Don't mention it."said Lloyd.

The students were directed to the Share Hall were the first years were greeted by the older years.

There were three long banquet tables on each side with the entire school sitting at them. At the front of the hall was a table with every single teacher sitting at it.

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