Chapter Nine.

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The wolves were coming.

His words just made me want to curl up in a quiet corner and cry; I couldn’t deal with this tonight. But sheer willpower won over as I ran to the study and unlocked the gun safe, drawing out one of the bolt action elephant guns; it’d blow a hole the size of Texas through a wolf and if I fired it at a person, well let’s just say I’d take a few days to scrape them off the floor.

I loaded a magazine, attached it to the underside of the gun and loaded the chamber. I slammed the door open and walked outside to confront the alpha.

He stood there cockily, surrounded by at least fifteen wolves. 

“What do you want?” I hissed, looking at him down the barrel the gun. “Who gave you the right to trespass?”

I watched as the corners of his lips lifted in a smirk. “This is my territory; I gave myself the right.” I felt my anger bubble over as I stared at him; I was so close to snapping. “Now how about you put that useless thing down little girl.” 

With an audible growl I squeezed the trigger, firing a round into his thigh; it was bloody and gruesome, practically decimating his leg. With a scream he fell to his knees as I unloaded the empty cartridge and locked the bolt again. I took precise steps down the stairs until I stood in front of the alpha. “How’s this ‘useless thing’ looking now?” I hissed angrily, pressing it to his temple. “One squeeze of the trigger and your wolves’ll be scraping your brains off the ground; you won’t survive that. Do you want to die over this? We’ve done nothing to you yet you continue to attack us, threaten us! Why? Why can’t people like you just leave me alone?”

He glared at me as I felt a tear slip down my cheek, my hand shook as I held the gun pressed to his head. “Do you really want to die over this?”

Slowly he shook his head and I took a step backwards. Faster than I thought possible he made a grab for me, but before he could seize my leg, I’d swung the butt of the gun down onto his head. His body went limp, slumping to the ground, blood trickling from his head wound as I looked towards the wolves behind him, silent the entire time. “Get off my land now; this is your final warning and if you come knocking again, I will bring hell down upon you all.”

With a nod they simply picked up their alpha and walked back into the night.  

“My god Evan that was so badass!” I brushed off Jake and turned back to the house, unloading the chambered round.

A tall body blocked my path and I looked up at the face of Maddox. “Not now Mads.”

I pushed past him, my head pounded and my vision swam as I took a step, but my knees buckled and I crumbled to the floor. I lay there, staring up at the ceiling as faces emerged above me. I felt wetness slid down my cheeks as my eyelids grew heavy, then I just simply gave up and let it all fade away into oblivion.


My eyes flew open at the feather light caress on my cheek.

“W-what are you doing?” My throat was dry as I stared at Maddox who sat by my side, a touch on my hand making me look down to where his hand held mine. Without a word I shook him off.

He cleared his throat as I sat up but I ignored him; why was he in my room? Holding my hand? “You passed out last night so I offered to sit with you.” I froze as I looked down at my clothes, or lack of thereof.

I pulled the covers back up and frowned at Maddox. “Who changed me? Where are my clothes? Why did I faint? Why were you watching me? That’s really creepy you know.”

He stared at me for what felt like hours until I tried to stand and he gently pushed me down. “Your clothes were filthy so Mary and Charlotte cleaned you up; do you remember what happened yesterday?”

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