Chapter 1.

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February 3rd, 1856. Ireland.

Dear Sister,

"I can feel this disease taking over! I am losing this battle with our families curse. I feel that I should be confined to my bedroom, however, because I am with a child, and my husband forbids such an idea. I sometimes wish that I wasn't with child, perhaps then I would get my wish, and that is to be left alone. Sometimes whenever I get the chance, I try my hardest to dwell less on myself and more on my children. William, my eldest is soon to be married, so it's easier to know that I don't have to rely on him much. However, when it comes to my daughter Angel, who is twelve years of age she is another matter entirely. She's such a loving and compassionate child, she kens what's wrong with me, but she still tries her best to help me get through some of my tough and dark days. I realize that Angel, will have to put away her childhood, and become a young adult sooner than she would like, for when this child arrives, I am certain that I will be in no condition to take care of it. I fear that I have some troubling news to convey to you, Aggie. Samuel, my loving husband, your bother-in-law has been struggling with his health and our doctor has explained to William and me that during these last three months, Samuel's heart is failing. The doctor has just told us the prognoses, he only has three more months to live. What am I going to do? How am I to cope and take care of my family, when my own health isn't too great? These worries aren't making this condition any easier to deal with. When I found out, that you were alive, I immediately charged a bow street runner with a pressing need to find your exact location. Please, Aggie, if you get this letter, please write back. Sincerely your sister, Duchess Annabelle Kent."

February 14th, 1856, Dash wood Asylum. Boston Massachusetts.

Dear Annabelle,

"I just received your letter, I was shocked when I got your letter because I was told my father, that you and mother died at sea when our parents divorced. I too am suffering from the same illness that is plaguing your mind as well. Before I explain to you on how to cope, I believe that you would like to hear about father and me. Unlike you, who conceived your child from a loving man, I wasn't as fortunate. I was raped violently by one of the guards here at this awful asylum. Yes, I said correctly... an Asylum. After our parents divorced, father remarried. My new step-mother, Flora Sheridan, whom I came to call fury whenever we neared, had a daughter. A spinster daughter named Ruth Sheridan. Life with them became a living hell, I had to do something with dear old step-mama... so very secretly and very carefully I began giving her poison soon after father passed away. Do not be alarmed Annabelle, I did not cause father's death, he died from normal causes, well to put another way he went out drinking and on the way home his stallion lost its footing on the road and threw father. Father was discovered by Mason, the cook's son the next morning, his head was bleeding and his neck was broken. Soon after Fury died, Ruth made sure that wherever I went I was followed, what an annoying twit she became. My further actions in regards to getting rid of my unfortunate escorts made her consider committing me to the Dash wood Asylum, here in Boston. Ruth delayed my transfer to the Asylum because she was finally getting married. She was so excited that she found someone to love, is that she was a spinster for the longest time. Not wanting my existence to ruin her wondrous day, Ruth locked me away in father's study. What she didn't know was that I was the only one who knew about the secret door in the fireplace wall. But what really convinced her that I was the culprit that poisoned her mother, was that her maid caught me attempting to sabotage their wedding cake and ruin their party. When she heard the news she called the Dash wood Asylum to come and pick me up and haul me away from herself and her new husband Jon Eden. I have been here for only a few months, however, I shall not be here forever, they will not keep me locked up here for my entire lifetime. I will regain my freedom and when I do, I will get my revenge on our step sister. Then I will ruin all she holds dear."

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