An old butler answered the door when Julia finished ringing the doorbell. "How may I help you Milady?"
"Is your mistress receiving visitors? I realize that she might be in the morning, but my daughter wished to bring her some flowers." The butler looked down at the smiling child and smirked a bit. Perhaps her Ladyship would welcome some good cheer. Ever since his Lordship's death, his Ladyship has remained secluded in her chambers with the children. He invited the guests into the drawing room and told them to wait while he informed his Ladyship of their arrival. Marian Elliot was running a brush through her daughter's ebony hair and rocking the cradle where her newborn son laid asleep when a knock came at her door. She beckoned to whoever was on the other side of the door's threshold to enter the nursery. When she saw that it was Drew, she asked him what he wanted. "Sorry for the interruption Milady, but Lady Steele and her daughter Julia has come for a visit. Will you receive them?"
Marian glanced down at what she was wearing and sighed. She wished that she could wear something other than black, but ever since she discovered that John was murdered, she knew that she just had to finish the grieving rite. She sighed again and realized that she would just have to make do with what she was wearing. " Lana, would you like to come downstairs with me and meet our guests, perhaps you and Julia will become friends."
Her daughter nodded, got up from the carpet and walked towards the door, "Are you coming, Mama?" "Of coarse, My love, I just have to gather up your baby brother and bring him with us."Marian, bent over the cradle, and gathered up her sleeping son and descended her way below stairs and their guests.
When the drawing room doors opened, Angel got up from the sofa and proceeded getting rid of the wrinkles on her gown. Before the lady of the house entered the room, a child, a little girl of about Julia's age rushed into the room. She looked like a little porcelain doll. With her shoulder length black ebony hair arranged in one long braid that swung about as she ran, and even though her dress was frilly, it was still black. But it was her features that made Angel think of a doll, she had olive-tinged skin and a pair of icy blue eyes. Soon after the Lady of the house walked into the room with a newborn infant asleep in her arms. Angel didn't know much about the lady, aside from what she heard the servants speak about her. The late Lord Elliot fell in love with her when he was visiting relatives in America, she was the daughter of a local western mayor in a town in the west. Angel curtsied and smiled.
"I am sorry to disturb you Lady Elliott, I realize that you and the rest of your family are still in mourning, but both myself and my daughter wished to bring you some good cheer. I was in my husband's greenhouse yesterday morning and found these daffodils and orchids growing within, and Julia thought that we should give you a bouquet." When Angel looked up from where she was staring at the flowers and saw tears streaming down Lady Elliott's face she gasped. "Oh, dear, did I say something wrong? Are these the kind of flowers you don't like perchance?" Angel opened up the drawstring bag she carried on her right wrist and retrieved her handkerchief and walked towards her and ended the distance between them, then she gave her the item and pulled her into her arms.

Loving Heaven's Gift- Book 2
RomanceAngel Kent often wondered why her parents named her after a celestial being, especially when in her own opinion, she looked nothing like one. She wasn't as confident or intimidating as she thought and Angel would be. Then her life gets twisted, and...