Chapter 38.

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Archer was in Tyler's accounting room located at his shipping office, with Asha, and he was trying to remain patient with her. He couldn't understand it, in all his fifty-six years of being a sheriff and then a Marshall, he hasn't had this much trouble questioning a suspect or gaining the answers he wanted. For the last two hours, the child has remained silent and hasn't said anything about her aunt. He supposed that he would have to rely on the advice given to him by Tyler instead of using his original methods. So after drinking a cup of water, because he was getting thirsty after using so many questions on her, he pulled out the letter, that Tyler gave him and approached her again. "Do you perhaps recognize who wrote this?"

He said as he thrust the opened letter into her arms. Asha looked down at the ripped envelope and almost ruined seal and gasped. 'It couldn't be', she thought. That seal belonged to her aunt's cousin, Abe. Why would he write a letter to her Lordship? Archer could see that she recognized the seal, perhaps they were getting somewhere he thought. 'FINALLY!'  

      "Well? Do you recognize the seal?"

Asha knew that she had to tell him what she knew and she had tried to remain loyal to her Aunt, but after the detective mentioned what her aunt tried to accomplish with her kind employer, she couldn't understand it. What would cause her Aunt Mable to resort to murder or poisoning for that matter?. Lady Steele was a kind woman and a loving mother. Asha couldn't comprehend why Mable fed her poison. And then after committing the crime she up and left. Aimee breathed out a weary and defeated sigh. No matter how much she loved her aunt Mable, she knew that she couldn't and wouldn't condone attempted murder, especially to a woman who was so kind and gentle and gave her the chance to not only help provide for her mother and her siblings, but she also allowed her, a servant, to learn how to read and to improve herself. That's it! She decided! She would help this detective catch her aunt.

Someplace elsewhere.

            "Abe! You got to help me! They're after me."

Mable whispered to her cousin that was leaning against a wall in a dark alley. Abe folded his arms across his chest and stared at his cousin.

      "And why should I help you?" He asked her. 

Mable was shocked to hear his tone.  Abe was always a silent man, but lately, she noticed that he wasn't so silent anymore. Something must of made him speak up. She started pulling on his arm until they were out in the open. 

   "Because I did, what you and her ladyship wanted me to do, and now I'm on the run, and not only is that detective from America after me; but now Scotland Yard is!"  

Abe disentangle her grip from his arm and pushed her aside. "I wasn't the one who fed their employer poison because they were disgruntled for being dismissed! Was I? You should have been more careful around Lady Steele, and shouldn't have shown your true intentions.

          You doomed yourself Mable, so why should I reveal myself by helping you?"

Their conversation was cut short by the carriage that pulled up in front of them. When Abe saw that the carriage had the Sokorri family crest on the door, Abe heaved a sigh. The door swung open and a male's voice came from within the darkened interior. The voice beckoned for Abe to step inside, So after giving his cousin a 'I can't help you look, and your on your own kind of stare, Abe shrugged his shoulders and got into the carriage and sat down and faced Lord Sokorri.

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