The Hackney had barely stopped when Tyler and Daniel jumped from it and ran up the long driveway to get to the inside of his home. He just burst into the door when he heard a loud wail and several other women's hysterical voices coming from with the conservatory. Tyler ran as fast as his legs could carry him and rushed into the room only to find all the woman huddled around Angel who was bent over at her burgeoning waist and holding tightly to her sides in which looked like she was in, very intense pain. "My love? What's wrong?"
He asked her with intense concern. Angel barely heard him over the worried voices of the other women, but she managed to look up at him when the pain subsided for a brief moment. "Tyler, please make the pain stop!" She said as another spasm hit her and made her collapse into nothingness.
Tyler gathered her into his arms and shouted for Robinson to call for a doctor immediately. He then rushed up the stairs and ran into their bedchamber and gently laid her on their bed, and very hesitantly brushed aside her bangs from her face. He wouldn't forgive himself if anything happened to her and his unborn child. Just then he saw another spasm on her abdomen and watched as Angel woke up and cringed with pain, all the while holding on to herself tightly and rolling from side to side on the bed. "My love. Don't die on me. I couldn't bare it." He whispered as he kissed her upon her forehead and tears were gushing down his face.
There was a knock on their door, Tyler shouted for them to enter. Robinson came in and basically pushed the portly doctor into the room and shoved him towards the bed. The doctor asked Tyler to leave the room while he examined Angel. But Tyler refused to leave. That's when both Aspen and Marian both entered the bedchamber and pushed him in out of the room to wait in the hallway while they assisted the doctor.
Tyler was pacing the hallway for what seemed like hours when in reality it was only thirty minutes. He heard nothing. No noise; no screaming or whimpering. The silence was unnerving him. Unable to wait anymore, he was just about to burst into his chamber when the door opened and the doctor walked out. Tyler grabbed the man by the shoulders and shook him. The doctor gripped his hand with enough strength that it surprised Tyler, he looked down at the doctor's face and asked about his wife and their baby. With a sigh, the doctor told him to sit and told him that his wife was lucky. They were able to expel the poison before it did any damage to her or harm to the child. Tyler heaved a sigh of relief, "Can I go in and see her doc?"
The doctor nodded but warned him that Lady Steele must remain in bed for the duration of her pregnancy, just as a percussion. Tyler nodded and rang the service bell for Robinson. When his butler appeared, he told him to escort him to the kitchen's to get something to eat and to pay him for his troubles.
Robinson bowed but then hesitated. Tyler could see that Robinson wanted to say something. So before he could rejoin his wife in their bedchamber, he turned to him and asked what he wanted. "My lord, I found this in Mable's room, after she served her ladyship her tea." He said as he handed Tyler the small vial of poison. Tyler took the bottle and examined it. Then with rage burgeoning within him, he threw it against the wall and watched as it shattered, spilling its remaining contents on the hallway floor.
"Have you located her yet? "Robinson shook his head and closed his eyes. "No! My lord. When I went to retrieve her to help me with the tea tray and other snacks for her ladyships party, her room was a mess. I had forgotten, that you and her ladyship, had dismissed her the other day, so if she was here today, It looked like she was in a hurry to leave the premises."
Tyler then remembered, Angel, speaking to him about her niece that began working here after they dismissed Mable. He looked in Robinson's direction and told him to bring Aimee to his study so that he could question her on what she knew about her aunt or if she heard Mable mentioning to her if she was going to leave the house after she got her a job here. Or if she had any plans about what she was going to do in regards to her future.

Loving Heaven's Gift- Book 2
RomanceAngel Kent often wondered why her parents named her after a celestial being, especially when in her own opinion, she looked nothing like one. She wasn't as confident or intimidating as she thought and Angel would be. Then her life gets twisted, and...