Chapter 2.

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                 "Lights out! I said Light's out."

 A guard was hollering throughout the corridors of the Asylum. The light in her cell sputtered and then went out, the room was cast in shadows. Frustrated, Aggie rummaged through her things on her desk, trying to find the matches she was able to keep hidden away from the nurse's staff when they came to do an inspection. When her hand found them, she began to light it. Thankfully she was also able to hide a candle under her bed as well. When the candle was lit, Aggie resumed writing her letter to her sister. She was about to place her quill on the paper when the child inside of her kicked her hard. Aggie winced then she smiled a little inside. She was positive that this child was a boy! 

               "Just you wait, Ruthie, I'll train my boy up real good, then I'll sick him on you." She said laughing. She placed her hand on her swollen abdomen and began stroking what she believed to be her sons head. Then noticing that the candle only had a little wax left, she resumed her writing.

May 28th, 1856, Hayden Hill Residence, Ireland.

Dear Sis. 

                "I am recovering from giving birth to a healthy baby boy whom I have named after Father. His name is Cameron Reese Kent. It was a difficult labor and it seemed to cause this condition of mine to deteriorate. I catch myself sometimes getting lost in my own little world, because of this I feel I have now lost my mind and a few times I have been caught trying to smother the baby. Samuel was horrified to see this happen so he has moved Cameron's nursery inside Angel's bedroom, now she is his mother and not I. That happened only a few days ago, but to be totally honest, I wanted that to happen. I was shocked when I read your letter, and I am sorry that you conceived that way. Have you had the child yet? What are you going to call him? And what was this all about you getting revenge. Tell me in detail, Aggie. Please, you're loving sister Duchess Annabelle Kent."

There was a knock on her door, and as Annabelle watched it, the door slowly moved forward with a loud creak. "Mama, may I come in?" Twelve-year-old Angel requested. Annabelle laid her quill back on its hold, turned about her room and glanced at the girl blankly. In a small part of her mind, Annabelle knew that this child was her daughter, but at the moment, she couldn't quite recall her. Angel looked at her mother's disheveled state and sighed, so not wanting to alarm her mother, Angel tip-toed into her mother's chamber and slowly approached her, easing ever so slightly like you would when approaching a wild animal who was skittish. 

               "Mama. Papa wishes to see you. He has asked that we all gather together in the drawing room. Let me help you clean you up a bit."  Annabelle pushed herself away from Angel's hold, "Ney, ye little whelp. I dinna know what's this about but, you shan't catch me." Angel sighed again, Oh, mama, why must you speak that way, you know exactly who I am. Come along, let's get you cleaned up!" Annabelle was still struggling, when a shadow was cast in the doorway, "Is there a problem here last?" Angel turned around and saw that it was Josephine, her mother's personal maid. Angel smiled at her, "No, not really, it's just that papa wishes all of us, including mama to come to the drawing room for an announcement, and I was trying to get her cleaned up, will you help me?" Josephine approached Angel, laid a hand on her shoulder and smiled at the child. "Do not fret child, I'll get your mother, a good wash up, you better get going to the nursery, that bairn of yours was a hollering something fierce." She said in her heavy accent. Angel smiled at Josephine, whispered her thanks in regards to her mother and hurried off.

June 3rd, 1856, Dash wood Asylum. 

Dear Sis.

" I too have given birth to my baby at last. It was really nerve-wracking since I went into labor under the stairway beside the inmate's cafeteria. But the most difficult thing is hiding my son, which I have named him after our grandfather. His name is Jason Richard Turner. Anyway, to get back to what I was talking about, it has become extremely difficult hiding Jason from the doctors and nursing staff. What's more, I've heard that this asylum is going to be closed down and condemned, thus we'll be relocated to the Black Well Asylum on Manhattan Island, in New York, So further letters that I write to you may be delayed, and even though you may not get the advice I write to you, I would like to pass on some wisdom. Fear not, for the safety and well being of Samuel, he may be suffering now, but if he does pass away dear sister, at least he will no longer be in any more pain. Besides, constant anxiety can cause our illness to overtake our minds more rapidly. Disregard anything your children or the servants may say about you. Worry only about yourself. It may have been a good idea, that Samuel moved Cameron's Nursery into Angel's room. This madness is relentless when it comes to the safety of any of our family members, or anyone close to us. Fear, not Annabelle. Please ignore my sayings of revenge that I wrote to you in my last letter! You are already dealing with enough things, I don't want you to be included in my troubles one little bit, just know that even when we are both afflicted with this disease, know that I still love you. Before you find yourself lost in your mind, write to me the outcome of your life and the result of anything to do with my brother-in-law, since I am stuck in this ratcheted asylum. Please try to find the strength and sanity to write back to me. With Love. Your sister, Agatha Turner.

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