Chapter 9.

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It was a few hours later and they were all sitting before the fireplace reading one of the classics from their father's collection of books when the hallway clock began to chime the time to put the children to bed again. Will got up and handed his sleeping daughter to the nurse and carefully and quietly awakened both Cameron and Alex where they were asleep on the sofa and walked them towards their governess. When Will reached into his breast pocket and retrieved the invitation to the Hammerstein's ball that arrived shortly after Angel and Cameron came home from the park earlier that evening,  "Time to go, sis, the Hammerstein's are expecting us." 

Cameron immediately wiped the sleep from his eyes and looked from his uncle to his mother, "Can I go too?" "Sorry, honey, this party is for grown-ups only, maybe next time, when they have a picnic you can come then,"  Angel said as she hugged him. But he pulled away from her and stomped his foot,  "NO! I want to go now!" He shouted. "Cameron Reese Kent, don't you give that attitude to your mother." 

William shouted at him,  he then bent down to his nephew's level and ruffled his hair, "be patient son, I'll try to get Lord Hammerstein to host a picnic next time and just as your mama promised, you and Alex can go with us OK. Now go upstairs with your governess, and get ready for bed. Then before we go, your mom will kiss you goodnight." Cameron stopped crying and wiping away his tears, he rushed into William's arms and hugged him tightly. "I love you, Uncle Will, goodnight. Don't forget Mama, you have to say goodnight to me." Angel hugged him back, "don't worry honey, I won't." 

Cameron then ran past them and grabbing a hold of Alex's hand they both started up the stairs.  Angel laughed quietly and smiled at her brother. She also ascended the stairs and made her way to her bedroom, she walked towards her armorer, opened it and browsed through her dresses and gowns. She selected a glittering light blue flowing gown, it had hand-sewn pearls along the neckline and purple lace wound around the sleeves, how beautiful it was. When she was dressed, she sat at her dressing table and started to fix her hair. When her bedroom door slammed open, she was a little bit startled, but ease soon filled her when she saw Cameron's reflection in her mirror. She smiled and awaited him to reach her side. Cameron hugged her from behind, 

     "Mama, I wish I could come, it's not fair, just because I'm little. If I was older I'm sure Uncle Will, would let me accompany you. That way I could dance with you."  Angel giggled, "Oh honey, I wish you could come too, however, because you are still a little boy, you can't." She soon realized that Cameron was supposed to be with his and her nephew's governess. He must have slipped away from her again. She sighed and shook her head, "Darling, did you slip away from your governess again?" Cameron shrugged his shoulders, "you were taking too long, besides you promised that you would kiss me goodnight before you left." 

She was about to respond when William walked through the doorway, "come along, Cameron, time for bed, kiss your mom goodnight and follow your governess back to the nursery! Your mother and I must leave, were the honored guests for Lord and Lady Hammerstein."Cameron leaned forward gave his mama a kiss and smiled, "goodnight mama." 

      "Goodnight sweetheart."  After clipping on her Sapphire necklace and pearl earrings, she accepted the shawl that William placed over her shoulders and accompanied him out of her bedroom and out the door.

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