Chapter 41.

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Asha was just escorting the children out if the room when Robinson came in with Lord Sokorri and Abe following close behind.  Asha was shocked to see him and was wondering why he was here. Before she exited the room. She paused because she heard Lady Steele beckoning her name. She bowed in Angel's direction and waited for further instructions. "Yes, my lady? Is there anything further you need before I take the children to the nursery?"

Angel stared blankly at Asha for a moment then she smiled at her. "Oh. I am sorry, you're name must have been on the tip of my tongue when I called you. But since you're still here, I thought you would perhaps like to join us and maybe become even further reacquainted with your cousin. That is if you wish that is?"

Asha smiled at her mistress. She was indeed a kind and generous lady. She wondered what caused her aunt, to lose her temperament with her. Aimee gave her ladyship an affirmative nod and watched as she kindly instructed Robinson to find another maid to look after all the children while they discussed what needed to be discussed. Once they were all seated in the drawing room, and Tyler was done fussing over Angel and was trying to make her comfortable, he turned to his new guests and waited for them to begin talking. Lord Sokorri watched as Lord Steele fuss over his very pregnant wife and he smiled. He could remember doing that exact same thing with his first wife Lillian. In fact, she was much like the current Lady Steele that he could see. But before he could begin the discussion; Abe spoke up first.

He looked at Lady Steele and gave her uneasy smile. "My idiot of a cousin didn't harm you in any way, my lady? How are you and the babe? "Angel was shocked to learn that Mable Hood was this man's cousin and that he had just outrightly admitted that. But she could see that he was indeed concerned for both her and the baby, so she smiled, placed a hand on her swollen abdomen and nodded at him.

    "I appreciate your concern, Mr. Sable! The baby and I are fine now thanks to your help in informing Tyler here to come to my immediate rescue. You saved both of our lives! But aren't you afraid? That you admitted that Mable is your cousin and that she caused me harm?" Abe regarded Lady Steele's question and closed his eyes. He was about to reply and inform her ladyship that it was not only Mable who tried to threaten her and her babe but also his previous employer when he felt Lord Sokorri's hand land on his shoulder and stopped him from speaking. Abe looked at his lordship, saw him shake his head and saw that Lord Sokorri wanted to reveal who was really behind all the incidents. So he allowed Noah to tell them both the truth!

    "May I address you both by your given names?" Lord Sokorri asked both Tyler and Angel. Tyler and Angel glanced at each other and nodded and informed Lord Sokorri that he may. Noah exhaled a sigh of relief. "Thank you, it can get really tedious to address people by the titles that our glorious Queen Victoria bestows upon us.  Abe, here was just about to inform you who it was that was behind all the past mischief, however, since I am married to the said person who has been threatening you both, I thought that it should be me who needs to explain." At those words, Tyler immediately got up from the sofa and would have grabbed Lord Sokorri by the collar of his shirtfront if Angel hadn't placed her hand within his and squeezed. Tyler regarded his wives stare and after seeing her shake her head, Tyler smiled at her and sat back down on the sofa and gathered Angel closer to him and derived his attention back to Lord Sokorri.

Noah Sokorri, hesitated for a brief moment when he saw the way Tyler Steele acted to his last words and gulped. He began explaining what he only learned about the activities that his wife had been doing to this young man and his family. "You recall that during your previous marriage, you suspected that your wife died due to unusual circumstances and that you suspected that she was poisoned? Well, your suspicions were correct! She was indeed poisoned and I am sad to say, that she was murdered by my wife. In her twisted logic; Irene thought that what she was doing was helping me, in blocking your paths and allowing me to get my bill passed in parliament, but that was in fact untrue. After she killed your wife she also murdered Lord Tantrum's older brother, Isaiah. I supposed that after she got the taste of controlling people's life's she continued to do so, but still appearing to be the genteel lady.

She conducted her business of murdering people in a secret like fashion and ordered and demanded Abe here to be her personal bodyguard and assassin. It was by his hand and by her command that Lord John Eliot lost his life as well." After hearing how her husband was murdered, Marien gasped loudly and ran from the room in tears. Watching Angel's friend run from the room, Tyler felt momentarily stunned. Concerned for her, he sent Robinson to inquire if she would be okay. When Robinson exited the room, Tyler turned back to the surprising news that was just revealed. Learning that all his assumptions were correct, he was also shocked to learn that this man's wife was behind it all. He squeezed Angel's hand again and started to caress her belly, ensuring that the child wouldn't come to any further harm, or would it, he turned to Noah and asked that same question.

Noah shook his head, "Irene, will not pose anymore harm to you, your wife or your children ever again. I have sent her to the Barn Wood Mental Institution. They will take care of her there." He said and watched as Tyler sighed a sigh of relief. He then glanced over at his wife and gathered her hand in his and smiled.

   "My child, would you permit me to act as your grandfather? I see that you are confused with my question, allow me to explain! My wife is, in fact, your grandmother! She is the mother of your mother;  Lady Annabelle Kent. I am sorry to say that she thought that you were the culprit in ending your mother's life. But with the report that Abe was able to get from your mother's old nurse or should I say companion; Josephine, that it was your brother, Lord William Kent who ended her life in order to protect you. I will not cast blame upon him, my dear. This shows that you are surrounded by a loving family and a brother who would do anything and everything for his siblings and that is the kind of loyalty and love that I admire." 

At those words, William came strolling into the room and approached Noah. He gathered the old man into his arms and hugged him, as any grandson would to a grandfather. After giving a hug to Noah, William sat down on the sofa beside his sister and smiled at her. "Cherub, our troubles, your husband's troubles, and our new grandfather's troubles seem to be over. We can finally relax. Since Lord Sokorri, wishes to act as our grandfather, why don't we humor him in doing exactly what he proposes to us?

Angel smiled at William, and then got up from the sofa with the help of both her husband and brother and made her way over to her new grandfather and embraced him.

    "I would be honored and overjoyed that you wished to do so." She said as she placed a soft kiss on his wrinkled and withered cheek. Archer was the next person who entered the room, with Marian following close behind. He walked over to Tyler and placed his arm over his shoulders and told him that he wished to speak to him alone. Tyler nodded to Archer's reply and exited the room and headed towards his study.

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