Chapter 6.

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        "Hey, mama, are you coming?" Tyler glanced up and looked to where the boy was yelling to, only to see an angel coming his way, a vision of loveliness standing in the afternoon sunlight. The setting sun was making her red-tinged locks shine like a halo. And her eyes which he could see upon closer inspection were neither blue nor grey, but something in between. When she came closer, Tyler was even more speechless, especially when he heard her voice.  "I'm sorry, is he bothering you too? Her voice was beautiful too, it flowed off her tongue like silk. When he was finally able to speak again he cleared his throat and laughed, 

     "No. No, bother whatsoever! Perhaps I should introduce myself, I am Lord Tyler Steele, and this is my good friend Lord Daniel Wolfe. For a moment, Angel was shocked. Anyone who was anyone knew about the charities that Tyler Steele participated with or the changes that he has been trying to make happen in the House of Lords. According to the papers, His ideas on how to change certain policies in the House of Lords was not very popular. However, Angel and William, have been impressed with his studies on how these new changes could revitalize the old traditions in the House of Lords and how it can benefit the people in London. As they were conversing with one another, the afternoon began to move along much too quickly. It was the feeling of Cameron's weight hitting her legs that stopped Angel from talking to Tyler. She smiled and was just starting to bend down and pick him up, that she was shocked that Tyler did it for her instead. "Here, let me hold him for a while, while I escort you both home.  "Thank you, I appreciate that," she said. When he finally got Cameron situated in his arms, Tyler glanced at her. 

"I introduced myself, but I haven't heard your name." Angel blushed, she cleared her throat and answered him, "I am so sorry, I was so distracted with what occurred earlier, my name is Angel Kent, and that is my son Cameron. At this point, they both noticed that Daniel had left some time ago, but his disappearance didn't seem to bother them at that moment. Tyler wanted to know more about this beautiful young woman whom he just met. Even though he flatly refused the idea of marrying again when Daniel mentioned it, he had a feeling that Angel would make a good wife and mother to his three children. It has been terribly difficult to raise his three children alone! He did have the help of the staff but it wasn't the same, his children needed a mother again. Already, James, his oldest was already showing signs of disobedience and trouble making attitude, being nine years old probably made James think that he could do whatever he pleased. Also with the new policies that Tyler has been trying to instill in the House of Lords, has been making him terribly busy. He hasn't been able to teach him the right way to act. His other two were acting like little devils too, both Julie and Andrew his six-year-old twins already made all the governess quit. Thankfully Mrs. Cannon agreed to stay on a few weeks more before she returned to the countryside and look after her great-grandchildren. The silence seemed to go on, so he glanced at her and started asking her the other questions he wanted to know.  "How long have you lived here in London? And what happened to Cameron's father?

It took a while for Angel to answer him back; she had to make sure she was careful when she was conversing in regards to the past! Angel wasn't that familiar with him just yet to explain the truth to him, so even if it did bother her to lie, she knew that she had to do it. "My brother, Lord William Kent, Duke of Breton, wanted me to experience my first season. Sarah says that every young lady deserves to have some fun before they look for potential mates. Sarah is my sister in law, by the way, she said as she laughed lightly. We had to be careful arriving here, you see, Sarah just gave birth to their new daughter only ten months ago, so it's been a little hard sometimes. Angel caught Tyler looking at her, then patting Cameron's back. He must be thinking about how difficult it's been for her little boy. Angel wanted to alleviate his worry so she just blurted it out. "Oh, you don't have to worry about Cameron, he was full of fun and excitement as all boys his age are I suppose. And he also was preoccupied with his cousin too, Alex behaves just like Cameron, it's strange, it's like Cameron and Alex are two peas in a pod. She completely ignored the truth about Cameron's father and changed topics. Though these many years have passed and Cameron grew from infancy to now, and it has been her job to raise him since he was born, she has almost completely forgotten that he is actually her baby brother. However, since Cameron began speaking he has been calling her mother, Angel has come to terms with the lie. She has been raising him as her son and William agreed that it would be best to continue to do so. Perhaps sometime in the future, Angel would tell him the truth.  

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