Archer stepped forward and laid a hand on her shoulder, "we already solved their misunderstanding Angel, the officers at Scotland Yard didn't examine the murder weapon properly; when they saw the insignia on the hilt of the dagger they automatically assumed that the initials were Lord Steele's. However that wasn't correct, someone wanted to pin the blame on your husband, so they engraved a line to make the 'I' look like a 'T'." Angel looked up to Tyler's face and after seeing him nod, she exhaled a sigh of relief, then she glanced back at the Sargent to see his reaction to the news.
Sargent Talbot looked very disgruntled and angry. She looked down and saw that he was twisting the hell out of his hat. When she felt her husbands arms wrap around her waist, Angel leaned into him and sighed, at that moment, Sophie awoke and began crying. Angel crooned at the infant to attempt her to quiet down or at the very least go back to sleep. She could tell that Sophie's cries were annoying the Sargent, so before she walked out of the room, Angel went on her tippy-toes and placed a kiss on Archer's cheek and gave him a wink. "Thank-you for solving the problem, Archer, but I must leave and feed Sophie again, will you stay for Lunch Sargent?"
Talbot was momentarily stunned with her ladyships request, that he took a step back and thought for a moment. No one ever invited him to a meal when he was investigating a family member, they just wanted him off their premises and out of their sight, so when her ladyships request finally registered in his mind, Talbot needed not to think or ponder, he whole-hardheartedly accepted the offer.
It was late and the hour was approaching midnight. Abe wondered at what time her grace would retire since it had been a long day, with running errands for her ladyship, and he was tired. His lordship still hadn't arrived home and was still with his friends drinking and gambling at White Halls. His master was currently sequestered in her office and updating her journal and other paperwork. He really wanted to retire, so he approached her side and tapped on her shoulder.
"Begging your pardon your Grace," Abe asked. His master paused and her hand stopped scratching on her parchment, the ink dropped a little from the tip of her quill. The imperfection that the ink made on the paper made her scowl, without even turning she snapped at her serving man. "Well, get on with it! I know you not for being hesitant Abe. Speak your mind, before I lose all of my patience." Abe had never hesitated before in all the years he had served her. Ever since she saved his life as a lad, he has done every deed she needed him to do. Even when it came to taking a life, whether it was to silence them temporarily or permanently. In the past his actions never affected his conscience, however lately some small voice inside of him has been speaking up quite loudly as of late.
"With the case regarding Scotland Yard had against Lord Steele has been resolved in such a short amount of time, what are your plans next your grace? Do you foresee anything happening any further in regards to Lord Elliot's remains? And what of Lord Steele's new wife? Are you going to do any harm to her as you did to the previous Lady Steele?" Her grace pushed back her chair from her desk and proceed to pace across the length of the Arabian carpet in front of the fireplace.
"I will only retaliate again if Lord Steele's actions don't impede my husbands progress in parliament, where they won't be either hauled or stalled. If I must stomp all over Steele's rising fame and status, I WILL! Even if that means that I have to hinder him by snuffing out the life of the new Lady Steele. However, that is something I have no wish to do since I recently found out that she is perchance the only family I currently have left. You'll have to wait and see what I decided to do Abe!"
After she was done speaking, Abe breathed in a sigh of defeat. "As you say, Your Grace."

Loving Heaven's Gift- Book 2
Roman d'amourAngel Kent often wondered why her parents named her after a celestial being, especially when in her own opinion, she looked nothing like one. She wasn't as confident or intimidating as she thought and Angel would be. Then her life gets twisted, and...