The celebrated wedding of Lord Daniel Wolfe and his fiance Lady Aspen Lennox went off without a hitch. Even after the wedding, the church bells rang for most of the afternoon, and even if many of the guests wanted to linger further, only a select few knew of the soon to be the wedding of another prominent Lord and Lady of the realm. Of course, it was only going to be a small gathering of friends and family, but many still looked forward to watching this special couple tie the knot. The wedding was to take place at Lord William Kent's residence, this would make it more comfortable and convenient for the bride before she would leave her home and begin her new life together with her new husband. It was four o'clock and the wedding was just getting underway, the groom was awaiting his bride in the blue salon room with the men of the family as well as his best friend, while the bride was getting ready upstairs with the assistance of the women.
The women had just left the room and were heading back downstairs when Angel's bedroom door swung open. Looking in her mirror, Angel could see that it was Cameron who was standing in its threshold. She smiled and beckoned him in. Cameron looked up at his mother, he was stunned, his mother looked so beautiful and happy, unsure how to go about telling her what was on his mind, Cameron swallowed hard. "Mama, are you happy? Do you really want to get married to this man? What would Papa say about you marrying another man and replacing him?"
Angel sighed happily, "darling, I'm sure that your papa who's in heaven, would want me or rather would want us to be happy again. Do you really believe that your papa would want us to wallow in sadness? With no one to protect us?" Cameron shrugged his shoulders and hung his head, "I don't know, but we don't need him to protect us, mama! I can easily protect you, and with me, by your side, you don't have to feel alone!"
"That was nicely said, Cameron, but you have no need to worry about your mother, I am pleased with Tyler and his family, and he will be a good fit as a father to you and a loving husband to your mom, this I promise you. You understand?" William said as he stood by the door and was adjusting his gloves. Cameron sighed, "I guess. But uncle Will, may I escort mama with you to the salon doors, I know that you are going to give her to him, may I do the same?"
Angel gathered Cameron close and kissed him, "there is no need to answer that Will. I would be honored if you two would escort me. You both make me feel like a Princess who's going to be presented to her Prince. I am so happy, I love you both." Both William and Cameron smiled as they escorted her out of her room and down the stairs to get married to Lord Tyler Steele.
"So how does it feel to be married?" Aspen asked as she stood behind Angel's chair. Angel turned her head to look at Aspen and smiled, "I don't know, I could ask you the same thing, how does it feel to be married?" Aspen blushed, "Wonderful. You know that Tyler thinks of Daniel as a brother right? So, I was wondering if you would like to have a sister. I never had any siblings, and I watch how William treats you, and I kind of get a little bit jealous."
Angel stopped Aspen from rambling and laughed a little, "You don't have to ask, or be jealous, I would be honored if you wanted to be sisters." She said as she got up from her chair and hugged Aspen tightly. "And what has made the two of you so happy, besides getting married to these handsome men? What do you think Dan? Would you say that our brides are even happier today?" Daniel wound his arm around Tyler's neck and nodded, "Yeah, I'd say that we are the luckiest men alive!"
Tyler was about to continue to compliment his wife when he was interrupted by Cameron who was tugging on his pant leg. "Can I also be a lucky guy when it comes to mama?" Tyler leaned down and ruffled the boy's hair, he then picked him up and held him close and stepped closer to Angel. "We can both be lucky guys together, isn't that right my love? Would you consider putting us out of our misery for the love that we both have for you?"
Again they were interrupted by Robinson, who handed Tyler a telegram when he read the sentence, Tyler frowned. Worried, Angel placed her hand on his arm. "Darling? What's the matter, did something happen?" Tyler closed his eyes for a brief moment, pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, and then turned to Robinson and told him to notify Miss Hood and escort the children back up to the nursery. Picking up his Champagne glass he got everyone's attention, thanked them for all attending both Daniel and his own wedding, expressed his love for his new wife, which made Angel blush and politely asked them to leave. When everyone was gone besides the family, he asked them to meet him within his study. "There is something that I must say to all of you, but I don't want to worry the staff and create any gossip, so follow me and once we get settled down and have something to drink, I will tell you all the contents of this telegram."
When everyone was settled, Tyler squeezed Angel's hand and got up from the sofa from which he was sitting. He then stood behind Angel and grabbed a hold of her hand once again. Pulling out the telegram from his breast pocket, He opened it up and looked at everyone in the room and began read it aloud, however after reading the first sentence he stopped and swallowed and began to run his fingers through his hair. Daniel shot back his whiskey and grunted, "What is so important that you ended the reception and gathered all of us together? Enough of the silence, get on with it already!" Daniel said in a loud voice. It was so loud that both Aspen and Angel winced. Aspen placed her hands upon Daniel's chest and patted him, "Honey, I know that you are frustrated, but please don't shout. You know that all of our nieces and nephews are probably listening in and your shouting will only worry them."
Daniel heaved a big sigh and nodded, he looked towards Tyler and gave him a teasing smirk, "Sorry for shouting Ty!" Tyler nodded, "It's understandable to be frustrated Dan. I don't blame you for that, it's just that I don't know how to explain this telegram." Angel removed Tyler's hand, where it rested on her shoulder and rose from the sofa and embraced her husband. She wanted to lend him her faith, love, and strength, so she silently stood beside him and waited for him to continue speaking. "Go ahead darling, It can't be that bad, could it?"
Tyler smiled at his wife and kissed her on her forehead and sighed, "Very well, I will explain this to the best to my ability. Daniel, you recall that we have been having some difficulties with getting our bill passed within Parliament, and we have had numerous arguments with both John Elliott as well as Abram Strum right?"
Dan nodded. "Well it seems that John Elliott has been murdered, and Scotland Yard found his body floating in the channel in the Thames last night, he had a dagger protruding from his back and his throat had been slit. And for some reason, Scotland Yard believes that I have something to do with his death."

Loving Heaven's Gift- Book 2
Storie d'amoreAngel Kent often wondered why her parents named her after a celestial being, especially when in her own opinion, she looked nothing like one. She wasn't as confident or intimidating as she thought and Angel would be. Then her life gets twisted, and...