Chapter 32.

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          "So, do you still have the same suspicions about the children's governess as you had a week ago?"  Marian asked as they were strolling down Hyde Park. Angel closed her parasol and winced a bit when she turned her head to look at her friend. "Those feelings are still harbored inside me, but lately she's been acting even more strange. she's been speaking to me in a sickeningly sweet voice. It's like she's trying to pacify me with fake concern. The funny thing is though, that soon after I had the discussion with Tyler, I've been feeling a little weird!"

      "How weird?  Do you think that she's trying to harm you in any way?"Angel shook her head, "No, I don't think she would go that far.  I hope! But something is making me feel even more uneasy." Marian smiled and placed a caring hand on her shoulder, "Has it ever occurred to you, that you may be with child? You and Tyler have been married for several months now, and the way that you describe how he can't take his hands off you, could certainly be the reason."

Angel blushed and her face was getting rosier and rosier. Marian laughed. She enfolded her friend in a bear-like hug, concealing the fact, that she may have revealed to Angel what was really happening. She could remember, how she felt when she found out she was pregnant with Lana. "There's no need to feel embarrassed, honey. That's the end result of intense lovemaking! If you still feel that way for the next couple of days, perhaps you should consult a doctor, and get some results." Angel thought on that sound advise that she got from Marian, and silently agreed. She then spotted a vendor who was selling shaved ice, and she became excited. She pulled Marian's arm and they both ran like young school girls all the way to the vendor.

Later that evening,

The children were asleep in the nursery and both Tyler and Angel were in his study. Tyler was seated at his desk going over some important papers dealing with parliament and the shipping business that he ran for his late father.  Angel was seated before the fire reading. No matter how much she tried to focus on her book, it seemed like she had read and reread the same page for the last hour. Angel kept looking in Tyler's direction, smiling within. She couldn't wait to tell him her happy news. After she said her goodbye's to Marian, she decided that she didn't want to wait a few days, so she did indeed consult a doctor about her condition. She was both shocked and surprised that Marian was correct in her diagnosis. Angel was indeed with child, the doctor said that she was easily four in half months along.

Tyler could feel Angel's stare. Breathing in a weary sigh, Tyler looked up from his papers and gazed at her. When he caught her staring at him and Angel saw his look, she immediately looked down at her book again. Tyler smiled and chuckled silently. He got up from his chair, stretched, then he started making his way towards her. When he got to her side, he bent down and gently took the book away from her, then he kissed the top of her hands and lovingly caressed them.

     "I have caught you, my love. What's occupying your mind so much right now, that it's causing you to not read one of your father's favorite books?" Angel smiled.  " I went to the doctor today."

But before she could continue, a worried look crossed over his face. He picked her up and when he had her in his arms, he retook the seat that she was just sitting in and settled her in his lap, and began searching her body for any injuries. "You went to the doctor? Why?  Is something wrong? Are you OK?"

She hushed him with her hand and kissed his cheek, trying to calm him, as best as she could. She shook her head, then laid her head on his shoulder and placed a kiss on the inside of his neck.

      "As I was saying. Before you interrupted me, I have been feeling a little strange lately so I took Marian's advise and consulted a doctor."

         "Wait! You consulted your friend before you even spoke to me?" He said in a playful but insulted tone. "Would you stop interrupting me, Tyler!" 

She said and playfully hit him laughing. Tyler grunted in fake pain and caressed her cheek.

         "Sorry Honey, go ahead and continue."

             "Yes, I was concerned, so I consulted my friend, another woman. And she told me that I should speak to a doctor. So I did. When I was done with my visit, I felt ecstatic and really excited. I couldn't wait to get home to tell you. But then when you got home, you seemed preoccupied, even through dinner and I didn't want to disturb your thoughts. So I waited until the children were in bed, the servants were dismissed and I was waiting for you to ask me why I was staring."

      "And?" He said as he gathered her closer. Angel brought his mouth to hers and kissed him deeply, so deeply in fact that he was getting excited. But before he could continue with caressing her, she stopped him and laid his hands to the side, and cuddled into him. "My darling, the doctor said that I am with child! He said that I could easily be four and a half months along!"

When she looked at him, his face became pale! And his hands were shaking. The look on his face didn't seem like a look that was born of excitement, but FEAR! Was he unhappy with her announcement? She wondered to herself. He was trying to get her pregnant.  Wasn't he? "Tyler? Are you unhappy with the news that you will soon become a father again?"

Tyler shook himself out his thoughts and gazed at his wife. He could see that his silence was unnerving her, so he kissed her upon the forehead and stayed in that position. He was breathing in her scent and just picturing what the child would look like. Would it favor her looks or his? He hoped that it would take after her.  A daughter with her mother's sunburnt hair and his blue eyes, or a son with his dark hair and her blue-gray eyes, he couldn't wait to see the child. Knowing that she was still nervous with his silence, Tyler got up from the chair and carried her up the stairs, and all the way to their chamber. When he was inside its threshold, he shut the door with his foot and made his way to their bed. He then undressed her and laid her beneath the sheets. Then he undressed and folding back the coverlet, he slid in beside her, gathered her into his arms and kissed her deeply. 

     "My love. I am not unhappy like you think, rather I'm far from that. I am ecstatic. I can't wait to hold our child. Have no fear! I've been anticipating this! I wanted so badly to see you swell with our child." He said laughing. Angel slapped him playfully.  "You little tease. I thought that you were unhappy!  And to say those things, makes me think that you want to see me get FAT!"

Tyler laughed again, then he nibbled on her earlobe. "Not FAT, my love, Just Pregnant." Angel smiled, "Oh don't you worry, I will be." She said confidently. "Let us celebrate, then." He said as he pulled her closer."I'll be gentle, I swear it, I won't bring harm to either you or our child!" 

He whispered to her. Angel blushed and smiled back at him, "I know you will."

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