~CH. 3~

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After waiting several hours with Rachel and June at the airport...our flight number was finally called over the speakers...and we all jumped up excitedly and rushed to our loading ramp...after we all got settled in on the plane in our assigned seats...which were luckily side by side instead of separated...then we all grabbed our headphones and listened to music together for a while...then we took a short nap...after we woke back up...all we could talk about was what we all were going to do once we got there...we were so excited we couldn't hold it in.

I was getting ready to say something to them about the lamp...but I felt the plane slow down, then begin to lower down...and we knew it was almost time...the plane was landing...and I forgot all about the lamp in my suitcase once again...and I still didn't tell them the real reason why I wanted to go to Vegas...it wasn't just to see Criss Angel's performance...but it was to see if my wish would come true...even though I never really played it all the way through in my mind...and if Criss Angel did fall in love with me...he would want sex...I've never done that before!!...sure I dreamt about being with him...but to be with him for real...was something completely different...and I suddenly had a quick chill of fear run down my spine...for I was only 17 years old...and he was all man, at 37 years old...but he was so sexy and beautiful...I just couldn't help but want and admire him...plus for the fact, that he was so young at heart.

Rachel and June grabbed me by the arms and we all raced off the plane together...then waited as our luggage came around on the luggage escalator...then you headed to the first taxi...and as we all hopped in...I noticed Criss Angel's face on the side of the cab...his images were even visually breathtaking...but I came back to reality long enough to tell the driver to head to the Luxor...about twenty minutes later, we were racing each other out of the taxi, to see the grand pyramid casino and hotel in real life for the first time ever...it was so amazing to witness it in reality...instead of dreaming about it while looking at images of it on my phone or laptop.

We all filed into the hotel and headed straight for the front desk...and asked for a room large enough for three...the lady put on a kind face and asked how we would be paying for the room...I pulled out my wallet and showed her my cash...she asked what floor I would like to be on...I didn't know...I've never been there...so I just noticed that room 313 was available...so I asked for that room...she handed me the key card for that room...but then I asked for three keys...so each of us could have one just in case one of us lost ours...she gave us the keys, and had one of the bellboys help us with our luggage to the third floor elevator, then to our room...I tipped him and quickly unpacked and jumped on one of the beds and squealed out loud at how awesome this was going to be...after Rachel and June unpacked...they joined in with me.

After we rough-housed for a while, June said she was getting a little hungry, so we all decided to head down to the lobby, and pick a restaurant to eat at...me I wanted to go to Taco's & Tequila...Rachel wanted to try the Pyramid Cafe...and June didn't care which one...as long as she got something to eat...so I gave in and we all three headed to the Pyramid Cafe. Right, when we walked into the cafe...we went right to the bar and sat on the cool barstools...and took our turns ordering our meals...then we all sat together eating and having slightly colorful conversations about guys, and how much fun we were going to have during Criss Angel's live show.

However, his show was already over for the evening...so we would have to wait until tomorrow's performance...but after we finished our food, we all ran down to the ticket booth anyway to order our tickets early...just to make sure we got into the theater. It wasn't until after we got our tickets and headed for the Official Mindfreak Store...the Criss Angel caught a glimpse of me as he was heading to his elevator that went up to his presidential suite at the top of the pyramid...and he stopped dead in his tracks and couldn't force himself to stop looking at me...he was frozen...it took the elevator door closing on him...and shutting on his nose...before he snapped out of the trance he was in...after he lost sight of me...he couldn't believe what just happened to him...and he shrugged it off, and went to his suite to take a short catnap. Unfortunately, neither me or my friends saw him, before he went up to his room.

Criss was up in his room stroking Hammie while laying on the couch...telling him what happened to him in the elevator just moments ago...and he's never done anything that silly before in his life...and a lot of other people saw him as he let the elevator smack him right in the nose...all because he looked at some girl heading into his store...but Hammie was too busy enjoying his daddy's rubbings to care about anything he was talking about...and shortly afterward...he went to sleep with Hammie in his arms.

During our visit to Criss's Store...we bought almost one of everything...except for his playing cards...I bought several decks of those...that way I could give each of my friends back home a deck...and I would have one deck to play with...and one deck to keep as a keepsake...I put on one of my shirts with his face on it before I even left the store...then we all three headed up back to our room...so we could take quick showers, then get comfortable...and play a few games of rummy, and five card draw...but we didn't keep scores...we were just playing to waste time before bed...then we all crawled under our covers and I turned on my radio...then outted the lights, and we went to sleep...still excited for where we were...and what we were going to do tomorrow.

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