~CH. 16~

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I was still up in the room with Criss, and really beginning to feel out of place, and very intimidated...for I didn't know his love would be so demandingly strong...I didn't even know why I was afraid of him...for I wanted him more than anything...and by the way, he was looking at me from his bed...laying there in his underwear like a wildcat ready to pounce on his prey...he really was getting a little tired of waiting for me to come around...I knew it was time for me to belly up to the bar...and get it done...for he was what I wished for...and now he was all mine...for I made sure that from now on...he'd only and forever have eyes for me.

Criss gave me a devilish smile and pointed his finger to me then pointed it to the bed and shook his head yes...I blushed and giggled at him for a moment...then acted like I was coming to the bed...but at the last minute...I raced into the bathroom and shut the door and locked it and said I had to get ready first...I heard him scratching at the door and when I looked thru the keyhole he was looking from the other side and I told him no peeping this time either...he tried to open the door...and he chuckled when he saw it was locked...and added if I knew he was a master lock picker...and bathroom doors was a cinch for him...I told him he better not!...but he was already working it...I unlocked it and jumped on him...and told him he has so had it this time!!

We roughhoused for over an hour, before he said he gave up and that I won...that he wanted to make love, not war...I fell off the bed and on my ass as soon as I heard him say that...he crawled to my side of the bed and peeked over the edge of the bed...I was silently laughing so hard I couldn't even catch my breath...after he giggled with me for a while...he reached out and helped me up...and said it wasn't all that funny...that he was totally serious about the love making thing...but that just made me laugh more...for I knew how literally serious he was...after the laughing spell was over...I slowly slid closer to him...and very gently placed my lips on his...which I just wanted to give him an innocent smooch...but he pulled me into him, and laid a whopper on me!!...Lover's first kiss...the wish was now complete and all my fears flooded out of me like they were never there...I pulled him on top of me and literally stripped him with my teeth, and told him that I loved him.

He smiled down at me and said he's loved me ever since he laid eyes on me...I told him I've been in love with him ever since I was 13 years old...Criss was listening to me a little bit...but he was way too interested in what he was touching and removing my clothes. After we were laying naked for a while together very closely...he slid under me and began to rub me up and down very passionately...I slowly pressed my lips against his neck and chest kissing him tenderly as the ecstasy commenced I began to touch him along his chest and move around to his back and traced my fingers through his hair...finally I got tired of the suspense and wrapped my legs around him...where I experienced the greatest moment of my entire life...and as the fire became hotter instead of dying down...he whispered in my ear that he would gladly take me away from reality any time...and that he loved me so much...I uttered almost speechlessly in his ear that I loved him more...

Hours went by and he was still serenading me in so many different positions I never thought was humanly possible...but it was all so magical and very powerful...but I never wanted this night to end...he was so energetic...I could swear that he had more energy than the damn energizer rabbit...he just kept going and going and going...but I had to admit I rather enjoyed it...but finally it was around 3:13 a.m. before he finally collapsed on top of me playfully...but exhausted...but he still managed to drown me in butterfly kisses & a few hickey's here and there...then he looked right into my eyes and out of the blue and very loudly said Marry Me!

I looked up at him for a while and laughed a little...but noticed the look on his face and realized very quickly that he was fucking serious...that the wish was complete and he wanted me right now to be in his life forever...I told him that I'd marry him anytime he wanted me too...that I loved him with my whole heart...and nothing would ever change that...then I curled up under him and snuggled as closely as I could to him without crawling under his skin...and told him goodnight...he kissed my lips and said goodnight sweetie...but he stayed awake and just kept watching me as I slept...and ran his fingers thru my hair over and over again...until it relaxed him enough and finally he drifted off to sleep...very happily...knowing that his dreams that he was having about me were finally coming true...then Hammie jumped up in the bed with us, and curled up by Criss's and my head...and went to sleep...purring peacefully in our ears.

Meanwhile, back down in another room Costa and Rachel were sharing the same intimacy and exchanging their words of love to one another...and they told each other all day long that they wanted to marry each other...and when she met Lynn and his mom Dimitra...she realized that they both thought very well of her...and would be delighted to have her a part of the family...but her Crisstopher on the other hand...never told his mommy about Kc at all...and was already in the marrying mode...with or without mommy's consent...not that he was hiding it...he was just to wrapped up in her at the moment to remember about the formal introduction...all Dimitra has seen of Kc was when Criss did a dive behind the couch on the floor...as she and her friends passed...which she thought was very funny...her Crisstopher afraid of a girl!!!...

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