~CH. 7~

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JD and Costa finally made it to the third floor, and raced through the halls trying to locate the girls...but just when they thought it was hopeless...they noticed of them getting ice from the ice chest...then headed to the room...they both went to the room...but JD hesitated, and said if he knocked on the door...what in the hell does he say to them...that he's looking for a girl named Kc...and that his little brother is going coo coo for Kc puffs.

Costa laughed a little bit and told his big brother to let him handle it...JD graciously slid aside and let his younger brother take the lead...Costa quickly tapped on the door...and June opened the door and asked what he wanted...it took her a few seconds to realize that he was the dude that they had all taken a picture with...in the diner earlier. Then was so excited she slammed the door and ran to Rachel and Kc and told them that one of Criss Angel's brothers was at the door...Rachel looked at the closed door and said where...June slapped her hands over her mouth and said she slammed the door on him!!!

Kc raced to the door and opened it...with Costa standing there holding his nose...and she apologized for her friend...then Kc grabbed both of them and pulled them into the room...and hollered at Rachel to get the icepack for Costa...then she slapped June and told her nice going...that she slammed the door on his nose...Costa was laughing as Rachel was all thumbs with the ice...Kc looked at her and said she needed to calm down...for she was way excited too...and just handed Costa a handful of ice cubes...Kc laughed at Rachel and June...and said they all needed to relax...then took the ice cubes and grabbed the ice pack...and placed it on his nose...but when JD took a look at it...he playfully grabbed it and said his nose was just fine...

Costa quickly changed the subject and asked if one of the girls was Kc...June and Rachel at the same time pointed at her...then went back into the back room...Kc looked at them and asked if she was in trouble for something...JD told her not at all...but he tried to tell her about Crisstopher, but he couldn't manage to get the words out...Costa jumped in and told her that I have been acting very crazily ever since I saw her and that I needed to meet her...that's why they were there...to take me to him...

Kc sat down and said that Criss was going crazy for her?...June and Rachel were listening very intently from the bedroom...giggling away thinking that my wish was coming true...JD went closer to Kc and asked her if she'd go with them...to meet their little brother, so I could get my head screwed back on straight...before I really got hurt...Kc looked at them for a moment, then gave a little sigh...and said she'd love to meet The Mindfreak...in person...that it would be like a dream come true for her...Costa put the ice pack down and said that would be so great...then maybe I would stop acting so odd...and be myself again...Kc saw that his nose was very red, and it looked very sore...so she went over to him and kissed his nose and said that should make it feel better...Costa had a grin from ear to ear...and said he felt a lot better now.

As they both led Kc to my suite...JD reminded Costa that I was the one that was crazy about this girl...not him...but Costa just chuckled at him and said it wasn't a crime to look...but then stated very honestly that she did look a little young for any of them to fraternize with...and that she couldn't be a day over 17 or 18 years of age...JD looked at her and thought about what Costa was saying and agreed that she was a very young girl...and that I would get into a lot of trouble if the girls family didn't approve of my actions toward her. But they kept it to themselves...as they watched Kc's actions become very different as they got off the elevator onto my floor where my presidential suite was located.

JD grabbed his key to my room from his back pocket...then slid it in...and the door opened...I was in my bed taking a nap with Hammie...from my mind being totally boggled from it all...Costa offered her a seat, and she sat down on the very plush sofa and tried to relax...JD went into my bedroom and tapped me...and whispered in my ear that they found her, and she is right outside in my living room, sitting on the couch...waiting to meet me...I flew up and poor Hammie went flying off the bed...I quickly jumped out of bed and picked Hammie off of the floor and kissed him and apologized for hurling his ass off the bed...then I sat him back on my pillow and rubbed him a few times...then I pulled my shirt on...and walked out into the living room.

I thought I was ready, but when I looked at her...I again froze up solid and didn't want to make a jackass out of myself so I ran back into the room and told my brothers I didn't know what in the hell was wrong with me...but I couldn't meet her...I wanted and needed to...but I couldn't do it. JD sat down on the bed with me as I irritatingly tossed the blanket over my head and pouted...for I never had problems with talking to, or picking up girls...and now I was totally ass backwards. JD chuckled at me and sympathetically rubbed my shoulder and said that I never run away from the challenge...that I needed to regroup and get out there and face my fear...I looked at him and told him he was so fucking right...I stood up and jokingly asked JD to help me in there for my legs didn't want me to...JD laughed and grabbed me and said I would be alright.

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