~CH. 11~

45 18 1

(Kc's p.o.v.)

It was really late, as I headed up to my room...knowing that my two friends were going to be wide awake waiting for me to tell them what happened and if I landed him yet or not...but the truth of the matter was...now that I knew the wish was happening...and that he really wanted me...I wanted him back...but was totally scared of it!! I didn't know how to tell my friends that either...for they thought when I was dating some loser in high school that I slept with him...but in all reality I never did...I just let him brag about it saying that I did...that way people wouldn't think I was some kind of prude or something...but I couldn't live with the lie anymore.

Just as I walked into the room I was bombarded by Rachel and June...asking me what all happened during the date, and if he kissed me, made his move on me yet!! I giggled at both of them from their over extreme curiosity...and told them I would tell them everything as soon as they settled down a little bit...they both stopped instantly and sat down on my bed and waited patiently for me to tell my story...so I told them about dinner, and and that he took me to Curves and we danced and talked a lot...and really hit a connection key with each other...then he took me to his suite, where I met Hammie, and we went to his bedroom...and watched a movie together...then before I told him goodnight and came back to our room...he asked me if I was going to hang with him again tomorrow...and I told him yes.

Rachel looked at me and said he didn't even try one time to hit on me...that he must be a little on the funny side...or something...because what I was wearing...would set any guy on fire for lust if nothing else...I laughed at her and said he was very interested in that...but he was an extreme gentleman about it...and because he knew I was afraid of it...he didn't press the matter at all...but I told them that his want for it was definitely there!!...June and Rachel both said at the same time that I was afraid of it...I made the damn wish and I was getting cold feet on it!!...I gave them both an insecure smile and told them that I had a confession to make...that I never slept with my old two-day boyfriend that I had...that I just lived the lie that he had spread about me...just to let the other girls in school believe that I did.

June looked at me and said really?...but I was very glad to know that neither of my friends was mad at me for the lie I was living...but then they both kind of laughed a little bit knowing that I was still a virgin...I told them with extreme pride that I was saving myself for my Mr. Right...and that it was eventually going to be Criss...if I could ever get past the initial fear of him being that physical with me. Rachel and June, calmed me down, and said it was going to be fine...that it was the most natural thing in the world...and all I needed to do, was to think of all the times I wished I was with him...and let all my emotions flow...and before I knew it...I would be begging him never to stop.

I thanked them for the pep talk and laid in bed after the lights went out...and just thought of how it was actually going to happen...then as I drifted off to sleep...all I could do was dream about Criss, and what would happen if he ever found out about me wishing for him to fall in love with me...and the lamp...which that alone woke me up into a cold sweat...and decided that I needed to give the lamp to my friends and just let them have it...just so he wouldn't find it ever in my possession...then I slowly snuggled back down into my warm blanket and fell asleep again. Meanwhile, upstairs Criss was having his same reoccurring dream about him marrying me, and having kids with me...and every time he woke up...the dream would make him long for me that much more...until he rolled over and held his Hammie and relaxed enough to fall back to sleep...listening to Hammie's comforting purring...

I was up early the next morning...pulling out the lamp from my bag and handed it to Rachel as she came out of the bathroom...and told her the lamp belonged to them now...that I had no more use for it...then I headed out of the room, and down to the lobby...for I promised Criss I would spend the day with him...Criss was already down in his store after doing his morning workout...and he was sitting on the couch taking a breather...and swigging on a bottle of water...and munching on an apple...just before he goes up to his suite to take a quick shower to clean up...for the day...but right when he saw me he hollered at me to come in and sit with him...at least he wasn't tongue-tied anymore...as a matter of fact, he was quite the opposite.

JD and Costa were in the store doing inventory, and turning on the register to get ready for the day...when I walked in. They both smiled at me and said morning...but Costa wouldn't settle for just a morning...he ran around the counter and gave me a big hug...and a half spin...then kissed me on the cheek...and sat me down...Criss jumped up and actually became a little jealous and told Costa to watch his P.D's. & Q's...as he wrapped his arms me and hauled me to the couch...I pushed him back a little as I told him he was all sweaty...from his workout...but he slapped a kiss on my cheek anyways...then hauled me to my feet and said well he was just heading upstairs to hop in his shower...and he said he so wanted me to join him...then he grabbed me and carried me to the elevator.

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