~CH. 20~

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Rachel and Costa finally made it back to Vegas with their very sunburned but extremely happy asses...and now it was my turn to take my baby to Cabo Mexico with me...for our honeymoon...only Kc brought the sunscreen...for she didn't mind getting a little tan...but she was fair complected and said hell no to frying like bacon in a skillet...I told her I wouldn't let her burn...I'd block the sun for her...it didn't take us even half an hour to pack our bag...and head off for the airport...Stoney drove us in his truck...so he could see us off...and very humorously wished Kc the best of luck...then handed her a shock collar...and added for just in case I didn't want to behave.

It was during out flight that Costa and Rachel sent us a picture game...and for the life of me I couldn't figure it out...so I showed Kc the images that they sent on my phone...and she knew what it was right off...she said that they had a bun in the oven...meaning baby!!...I looked at her and said that was so not right!...that I wanted to have a baby first!!...Kc looked at me and said not to worry...that she was sure I was going to try like hell during our vacation...I gave her a very devilish look and gave a sexy growl to her a few times...she grabbed my phone and congratulated them both and said to let us both know whenever they could find out what the gender was going to be...then she handed me my phone again...and nuzzled up to me and wanted to sleep until we landed...for my Sweet Lil Bess...didn't care for flying at all...

So while she slept I held her and listened to the music player she brought for us...but I woke her up a little bit by me singing out loud to the music...but she'd tap me playfully and put her finger on her lips...I gave her a cheesy grin and kissed her finger...then placed one of the earphones in her ear...so we could sing together for a while...not that it mattered for it was a private flight...and their was no one else on the plane accept the pilot and co-pilot...6 hours went by and we were just getting ready to land...the initial impact to terra firma...scared Kc a little bit and she grabbed my hand very tightly...but I kissed her cheek and told her it was fine...she couldn't wait to get off that damn plane...so grabbed the bag and followed her lead.

Once we were off the plane...a driver was waiting for us...to take us to the resort, where we would be staying for the duration...I paid him and asked him to take the scenic route to the resort, instead of the quick way...so Kc could see the beautiful scenery...she loved it...she was talking about everything and pointing at everything that caught her eye...but she never let my hand go once...when she saw the resort itself her eyes popped out a little...she looked at me and said she never thought it was going to be that gorgeous...I smiled at her and told her nothing but the best for my baby...especially when I pointed out to her where our bungalow was...for I paid for it permanently along time ago...for it was the best spot on the place...so naturally I had to own it.

I paid the driver a tip...then I carried her and our bag into the bungalow...and tossed the bag into the oval shaped lover's seat...then gently placed her on the huge exotic feathered heart shaped bed...it was predecorated for newlyweds...I took off my clothes and put on something more comfortable...then turned on some soft romantic songs to spice up the mood...then I told her it was nap time...that I for one was experiencing major jet-lag...and just wanted to crash...she took her clothes off, and put her light and breezy red lingerie nighty...and crawled in beside me and then I pulled the shades...so it would be nice, cool, and dark...then we snuggled together and went to sleep for a while...which ended up turning into sex...and a lot of it...but what the hell...that was the main reason for a honeymoon...plus I was really wanting to have a baby with my baby.

After our little afternoon delight...we got dressed and headed out for the beach to walk and do a little swimming and playing with each other...then we laid in the sand to catch some sun...until I heard my baby girls tummy grumbling...I stood up and walked hand in hand with her to one of my favorite cantina's to have an exotic lunch...which was very delicious...then I wanted her to see all the sights...and we did some window shopping...and some real shopping...I bought her a very beautiful sundress...and an even more beautiful necklace and earring set...but she snuck behind my back and bought me a very awesome silver and black diamond skull ring that cost more than both items I got for her...but she didn't care at all...then as the sun was going down...we walked along the beach and took selfies of us in the background of the sunset...then we went for a late night swim...and headed back for our bungalow to sleep it off again...that ended up being another loving night of passion and desire...only instead of me starting the fire...she did.

Kc got a little kinky with me for a while...but why not...we were married now...she pulled out my handcuffs that I used on my demonstrations and giggled at her and said she knew I could get out of those right...but he placed them on me anyway...so I humored her for a while and let her play...until I was majorly turned on...and decided to slip out of them and takeover for her...bondage was my favorite kink in sex play...but when it was my turn to put the cuffs on her she said no way...because she couldn't get out of them...I giggled slightly and told her I knew that already...but she gave in and let me put them on her...and we continued to play that entire night...it was fun, sexy, and satisfying all at the same time...by the time we were done...we ended up being handcuffed together...and fell asleep in each others warm and loving embrace.

The rest of the three weeks went by like lightning fast...but never regreting one moment with her...it was perfect...and when we were on our way back to Vegas...I had a huge grin of satisfaction on my face...knowing that we were going home pregnant too...I took her to the community doctor before we left...and it was positive...plus Kc had a new glow about her...she just slapped me and told me how wicked and mean I was to her...and now she was getting stuck carrying a bullet around for nine months...and she was going to get fat and ugly...I kissed her and said she would never be either...Rachel and Costa told us that their baby was going to be a girl...then it was their turn to congratulate us on our baby on the way in 7 to 9 months...

Mama D couldn't have been happier...she was one glowing grandma...for 3 months later Rachel and Costa brought little Hayley Angeline Sarantakos...she was the sweetest little bundle of joy I ever saw...nothing but sweetness and smiles...Kc surprised everyone when our baby wanted out two months early...but I warned her that I was a premie too when I was born...and after several hours of delivery pains...out popped our sons head...followed by the rest of him...he was so tiny...I cut his embilical cord...and cleaned him off myself then handed him to his mommy...and asked her what his name should be...she looked at me then to Mama D who was in major tears...and said his name was going to be Johnny Crisstopher Sarantakos...after his daddy and his grandpa...I smiled at her and kissed her...and thanked her for this...then she very carefully handed him to me...so I could let our mom hold him.

Stoney, Sully, JD, Lynn, Costa, and Rachel holding little Hayley...were all in the tiny delivery room waiting their turns to hold our son...after the main thrill was over and I took my baby and our little man home for the first time...I knew I was going to be the happiest man in the world for the rest of my life...and we all indeed lived happily ever after...and the lamp mysteriously vanished...and was never talked about again...Everyone was a winner...FINITO...

                                                                              *~*THE END*~*

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