~CH. 14~

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(Criss's p.o.v.)

I was standing on Kc's left side and Billy Bear was on her right...as we were standing in the elevator...I had to admit I was extremely jealous...why I didn't know exactly...I guess it was just by the way he was acting around her...and about how close she was to him...so I sort of inched in closer and tried to get my point thru to her, telling her that I was jealous and wanted her to put all of her attention on me...but when she kept talking to Billy...I insisted by wrapping my arms around her...and laying my head on her shoulder...she put both of her hands on me...but still stayed in conversation with Billy...clear until the elevator stopped and we walked out...and headed to room 313.

Kc used her key to open the door then walked in...and hollered to see if Rachel or June was in there...but when they didn't answer...I went to the bedrooms where Rachel was sound asleep...but June wasn't in there...but it wasn't long until I heard her squeal in delight down the hallway...for Billy was waiting in the hall...but June went down to grab a diet coke. But she didn't have it long...for she dropped it on the floor as she jumped into her boyfriend's arms...Billy swung her around and asked her how she was doing...she told him in between many kisses that she's missed him so much...and that she was so ready for him to take her back home. Billy smiled at her and said that's what he came for...that he got two days off of work...just to come and get his little June-Bug...for he missed her too.

I grabbed Kc and asked her if she was ready to have some fun with me...she squeezed my hand and asked me to wait just a little longer...so she could tell them bye...but Billy stopped swinging June for a moment and gave me a hug and said that he and June would be leaving tomorrow...so she had plenty of time to see him before he takes June back with him...then she kissed him on the cheek and told them she'd see them later...Rachel woke up to the sound of Billy's voice and ran in and gave him a big hug and kiss on the cheek...for they were all close friends...then asked if they would be having a family/friend dinner tonight...Billy, June, and Rachel were all for it...Kc said it would be great...then she asked if she could bring me with her...Billy said, of course, she could...that I was her boyfriend...then the three headed down to the lobby to have some personal fun together knowing that Kc was going to be with me.

I spun Kc around and told her I was sorry for acting so pushy...it was just that I was getting a little jealous of him...Kc smiled at me and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me very gently on the cheek...and said, Billy was just a very good friend...I stuck my lip out a little bit and said it still made me jealous, though...giving him that attention that I wanted. Kc apologized to me and said all of her attention was now mine...then asked what I would like to do first. 

I moved my lips right by her ear, and whispered to her that I really would like to take her upstairs to my suite with me, and relax in a nice warm bubble bath...along with a nice bubbly on ice right beside the tub...Kc looked at me and blushed a little bit, and told me that was a very tempting offer...I gave her a playful squeeze and promised her that I would be a good boy...that I just wanted to spend some romantic alone time with her...and maybe even listen to some sweet and soft music to tame the mood a little more. Kc took a long breath in, then let out a sigh...and finally said alright...that as long as I stayed a good boy...she'd accept my offer. I kissed her neck and with our fingers still entwined we walked together to the elevator...then went to the top of the pyramid to my suite, where we slowly walked side by side to my room...I slid my key into the door, and slowly opened it...Hammie greeted me right as we stepped in...letting me know that he was hungry and thirsty...and was out of water in his bowl.

I grabbed his food and sat it on the floor...while Kc filled his water bowl...then she sat it down beside the food bowl...but just as I was getting ready to walk her back into the bathroom...when a knock abruptly interrupted my mood...I told whoever it was to go away that I was busy...but when they knocked even louder...and ignored me completely...I knew it was fucking Stoney...aka Klayton Scott...for he was the only one that didn't care about my empty threats...and I also knew he wasn't going to go away...so I kissed Kc on the cheek and told her to hold that thought for me...until I came back...I ran to the door and opened it and told Stoney to go away that I was busy with a girl...Stoney ran my ass over getting into the room and began his search for my so-called girl...I chuckled at his reactions...and told him that she was in my bedroom...then added very quickly that no he couldn't join us.

Klayton flipped me off, then stuck his tongue out at me, and said he didn't want too anyway...that was until he saw my girl...sitting on the bed...he ripped his shades off and said he definitely wanted a piece of that! I looked at him and told him not a chance!...that Kc was so mine...and that I was so head over heels in love with her...and then I drug him out into the hall...and told him that I was so crazy about her, that I would drop on both knees right now and ask her to marry me...if I knew she wouldn't turn me down due to her being new and afraid of it. Rachel finished a little fun with June and Billy and decided to give them a little bit of privacy...and she headed back upstairs...once she got in the room...she laid down and removed her shoes...then she went into deep thought...then she reached out and pulled out the magic lamp and gently rubbed its side.

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