~CH. 15~

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Rachel waited for the smoke to fill the air...then as the Jinn came out of the lamp...she knew she wanted one of the three guys to fall in love with her...but she didn't know which one to choose...so she asked the Jinn, if there was any way he could look into each of them and see which one was the best match for her...out of Sully Erna, Klayton Scott, and Costa Sarantakos...for she wanted to have a perfect relationship with someone that she could connect with...and not one she would have to change everything about him...to get her to love him...the Jinn told her that it was possible for him to do it...but she might not like the results...but she told him out of those three men...she didn't care...for she was totally in love with each of them for different reasons.

The Jinn lightly touched her forehead...then touched the photos of each of the guys...after what seemed to be forever...he finally opened his eyes and said that the short one would be the best match to her...with the brother being the second best...and the crazy and wild redheaded one...was way out of most females orbit. After considering what the Jinn told her...that it was between Costa and Sully...then she thought thru it and wanted to be happy...but she was also thinking about being close to Kc, by choosing Costa...that would end up her and Kc being related thru marriage...then she thought what was better for the guys...Sully was sort of in a relationship with some blond chick right now...and Costa was very single.

The Jinn waited as she was carefully going thru each decision very carefully...then after another half hour...she snapped out of it...and said she wanted to wish for Costa Sarantakos to fall in love with her...the Jinn lifted the picture of Costa in his palm and closed his eyes as blue and green light filled the room around him...then a colorful bolt of lighting went off and touched the picture...then it vanished...the Jinn opened his eyes and said it was done...Rachel thanked him then tapped the lamp and waited for him to go back into the lamp...then she locked it back into her suitcase. 

Rachel was curious to see just how fast her wish was going to work...so she headed down to the bar 'Liquidity' where Costa usually was working...behind the bar helping his little brother out...she sat down and asked for a drink...Costa was wiping the bar off when he said he would be with her shortly...without looking at her...he asked what would she like...she asked him for a double martini with an extra olive...he smiled to himself and said that she sounded like Criss with the olives...he fixed her drink...and when he looked up at her while handing her the drink...and he dropped it right when his eyes locked on with hers...then he quickly cleaned the mess and apologized and fixed another drink for her all at the same time...then he smiled at her and said he remembered her very well...that she was one of the girls hanging with the girl that Criss was obsessed with. Rachel smiled at him and said he wasn't wrong...then she asked if he remembered her name...Costa said yeah he did...then out of nowhere, he said she was the girl he was obsessed with.

Costa immediately smacked his hand over his mouth, and gave a slight blush...realizing what Criss was going through...and tried to apologize...but nothing would come out...but Rachel wasn't in the mood to play hard to get...so she giggled at him, and said that he was in luck...for it just so happened...that he was the guy she was crazy about too...Costa spun around...and looked at her and said really a little caught off guard. Then asked her if she was serious...Rachel stood up and asked if she could join him behind the bar...he followed her and opened it...and they were instantly in each other's arms...along with their lips touching slightly...so neither of them would invade each other's space too quickly...but what Rachel didn't know was that she completed her wish...and Kc was still fighting with hers...just because Kc hasn't figured out that the wish would have been done a long time ago...all she had to do was give him the first loves kiss, and it would have been all over with...but because Kc was so timid and a little nervous around him when it came to sexual endeavors.

Rachel was wanting a real loving relationship too badly to be bashful...after Costa finished with the bar...he decided to close it just a little early to take Rachel out on a very special date...for their undeniable...after the first loves kiss they shared behind the bar of 'Liquidity'. Costa ran up behind JD and told him that he was in love with Rachel...JD asked him who Rachel was...but then remembered her out of the girls that was hanging with the girl Criss was obsessed with. Costa added that Rachel was the girl with the mocha colored hair...and not the blond...JD shook his head and said yes he remembered her...she was the one that handed him the ice cubes for his nose...Costa smiled and said that was right she did.

Then Costa called Rachel into the store and asked JD if he and Lynn would like to go to dinner with them...so she could meet them and their mom. JD smiled and said that was a very great idea...beens he decided to fall in love over night...Costa sneered at him and changed the subject and asked how Criss was getting along with Kc...JD gave him an evil grin and said that they went up to his suite over three hours ago...and no one has seen them since...Costa gave a little smirk and said maybe Kc finally got over her first-time jitters...JD interrupted and said or Criss just decided that she's made him wait long enough and was going to charm her into it one way or another. Rachel looked at both of then asked if she should be worried about her...they both put their hands on each of her shoulders and said not at all...for Criss did it with extreme charm...until she would give in willingly to him...that he didn't have a violent bone in him...when it came to female bonding...he was 110% pure romantic...aka a pure-T- Lover-boy.

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