~CH. 9~

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I woke up, thinking about Kc...after that short meeting with her...I couldn't get her out of my head...everywhere I looked...there she was...even when I was in the shower...I turned around and reached out to grab my towel...and I looked at the toilet...and there she was sitting on it...I panicked a little bit and fell on my ass in the shower only to look again, and she was never really there...I turned off the water and just sat there for a while and laughed my ass off...for no matter how I tried, I couldn't take my mind off of her...I didn't even know why I fucking liked her!!

I slowly crawled out of the shower and headed into my bedroom...to grab my clean clothes. After I was dressed I kissed Hammie on the forehead and told him that I'd see him later...and to be a good boy while daddy was at work...as I was walking down the lobby's hallway...I took a sudden glimpse up...and thought I saw Kc right in front of me...and I jumped back, and I ended up in the fucking fountain...and when I looked up again...no one was there...I kicked the water very irritatingly...then stepped out of it...and paced off into my store...leaving water puddle footsteps all the way to my store...JD was behind the register when he saw me come in...he asked me how I was feeling today...but when he saw that I was wet from my knees down...plus the look on my face...he bit his tongue and said nevermind.

I plopped on the couch and very despairingly put my head in my hands...and shouted loudly that I was losing my fucking mind!!! and I was head over heels in love with a girl I never saw before until just a few days ago...and nothing but problems have struck me ever since I saw her...then I looked up and begged JD to make it all disappear...he walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder, and told me maybe the best way to make it stop...was to confront it...instead of fighting it off, and running away from it...then I asked him what I should do exactly...for it was the first time in my life, that I was totally unsure of myself...JD looked at me, and told me to go to her room, and ask her out on a date...for all, she could do was either say yes or no.

I sat up very straight and said he was right...then I jumped up and gave my brother a hug and told him I was going to do this thing...I ran out the store doors and raced to the elevators...where I creamed two ladies at the same time...after I helped them up...I remembered them...they were the two girls Kc hung around with all the time...I apologized and very quickly hopped in the elevator and went up to the third floor and went up to the room she was in...I panicked a little bit...but then shook it off, and slowly tapped on the door...I heard her walking toward the door, then I heard her unlock it...just as I seen the doorknob turn...I wanted to turn tail and run...but I sucked it up and stayed, as she opened the door...and looked right at me.

I wanted to just get it all over with at once and ask her to go out on a date with me...but I opened my mouth, but again nothing would come out...she managed to catch my tongue again...so I just looked at her...she smiled at me and asked me to come in...I walked in, and took a very deep breath in, and turned to face her, and asked if she'd like to take me to dinner...but I quickly smacked myself and said me take her to dinner...she giggled at me and said I was so cute when I stuttered...which set my face ablaze...she walked up very close to me and said she'd love to take me to dinner...

Kc quickly put her shoes on, as I intently looked at her ass...she really had a nice one...then she caught me off guard and asked me what I was looking at...and I mindlessly told her I was looking at her ass...and it was very nice...I snapped out of it...and slapped my face, and walked out of the room embarrassed and mumbling at my own idiocy. But as she came out of the room I noticed that I actually flattered her a little bit...with my honesty...even though I didn't know I was saying that out loud...she came up beside me and placed her hand in mine...I accidently bit my lip...as I felt her hand touch mine...I was worse than a school boy...taking a girl on his very first date...it was insanely ridiculous.

I walked her out of the Luxor's parking lot and asked her where she would like to go...as I opened the passenger door for her...she stepped on my foot...but I absorbed the stiletto heel burying into my foot...then as I went to open my door...I pulled it open so swiftly that the door hit me right in the head...I rolled my eyes and said to myself...was anything else going to happen to me before I got into the damn car...I shook it off, and hopped in, and turned the ignition on...and KoRn came on blasting...with the song Narcissistic Cannibal...I gave her a cheesy grin and told her I was a little immature when it came to music...and that I liked to blast my eardrums with it...but she just smiled at me and said she really loved KoRn...that her favorite song was Twisted Transistor.

I ended up taking her to a very nice Chinese Restaraunt...and we just decided on going with the buffet...for it was all you could eat...and that way we could spend all the time we wanted eating and talking...which was kind of pleasant after we got to know about each other a little better...I found that I had a lot in common with her...we liked the same movies, music, and we both loved magic...I loved performing it...and she loved watching it, and trying to figure out how it worked...she had a very awesome since of humor, and she was very sweet...I liked her a lot...NO...I was head over heels in love with her...and I was now beginning to know why...she was an amazing girl...I was almost a 40 year old man, and I was in love with a teenage girl...that wasn't even 18 years old yet...that should go over real well with the papparazzi and the news crews...not to mention her family, and mine!! Yep it would go over like a lead umbrella.

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