~CH. 5~

48 18 1

(Criss's p.o.v.)

I was so not on my game today...I just felt like shit...and I didn't want to leave my room at all...that was until my mommy and brothers bombarded in my room, very worried about me wondering if I was sick...or hurt and just trying to hide it from them...but I smiled at them, and told them I was physically fine...but I just felt lousy emotionally...and before they asked me...I added that I didn't know why. JD came up to me and asked me if I had a run-in with my ex again...I quickly told him no...then asked him not to mention her...or he'd hex me with it, and she'd end up coming over to make my life even more miserable.

Costa gave me a sympathetic hug and asked me if I had a bad case of puppy love hit me, and she didn't like me back...I laughed at his sarcasm and told him not hardly...but then I remember what happened to me yesterday in the elevator...and I had and indescribable inner pulling on me...telling me to go downstairs...but I really didn't feel up to it...but my very loving mommy wrapped her arm around mine, and escorted me out of my room, and walked with me into the elevator, and said it would do me some good to leave the room...and be with family when I felt the way that I did...that it wasn't good for me to lock myself up in the room...like I lock up my emotions in my head and in my heart.

Oh My, how it bothered me to no end when my mother used the power of wisdom against me...but one thing I learned long ago...never go against my mommy...for mommy was always right. JD and Costa came down shortly after and followed me to the store...where after my mom sat down...I plopped down on the other sofa across from her and played with some of my merchandise...taking my mind off of what was on my mind...which I didn't even know what IT...was, but it worked for a while...until I just happened to look out the window, as three very cute girls walked passed my store...the girl in between them...I stood straight up on the couch, and stared wide-eyed at her...and was so interested in her I totally lost my balance and fell over the back of the couch...but immediately popped my head up and told my family that it was deliberate...and ran out the door.

I followed them for a moment...but just as I almost tapped on her shoulder...I Criss Angel, froze up and my tongue was completely tied in knots...I couldn't think of anything to ask her...but I felt light as a feather, and totally light headed...I swear if my brother heard me say that...he'd call me an airhead. I was thinking so strongly about her...that when I snapped out of it...and saw them getting ready to turn around to face me...I quickly spun around and ran like a bat outta hell back into my store...my mom asked me jokingly where the fire was...but when the three girls came back toward my store I quickly dropped to the floor, so they wouldn't see me. My mom bent down and asked me why I was hiding on the floor behind the sofa for...I looked up at her and gave her a very silly ass grin and told her I had no idea what in the hell was wrong with me.

That everytime I saw that girl, something would scramble my brain up like eggs...and I would go bananas for her...and I didn't even know her...but the first time I saw her was in the elevator when I was heading to my room for the night...and right when I looked at her...my mind went blank...and she was all I had on my mind...until I was violently snapped out of it by the elevator door slamming shut on my face. My mom pulled me up in her arms and smiled and laughed with tears of joy...telling me that her little boy had a crush on a girl...and that how sweet it was.

I stood up and dusted myself off, and told her that it would have to wait...for I had a show to do in about twenty minutes...and the last thing I needed was to be distracted during my performance...I headed down with my family to the theater...and saw Tyrone one of my security team that showed people to their seats was escorting the same three girls I almost met in the lobby...I turned to my mom and told her that I had to cancel the show!!...then I pouted and plopped my head on her shoulder. She patted my head and asked me what for...and without saying anything I pointed to the three girls going in...and said if that girl was going to be watching me...I would be totally distracted by her, and I would make a total jackass of myself...or worse get myself or someone else on my crew hurt during one of my stunts...then I jerked up quickly and told JD and Costa to go in the theater and tell those three ladies that they weren't allowed to be in there...and make them leave...that way I could do my show.

Costa looked at me and saw the craziness in my eyes...and told me that they paid for the tickets and legally they had no rights to tell them that they couldn't watch the show...I stomped my foot and told them very hotly that I knew that!!...but I just needed her not to be in the room!! My mom pulled me down and kissed me on the forehead and told me that everything would be alright...and to just go in there and do what I did best...show off, and make people's jaws drop, and their eyes pop out from utter astonishment...and shock from all the magic I shared with them...I smiled at her and told her that she was right, and I was getting overworked for nothing. 

The music started and show began...and everything went perfectly until I looked out into the audience...and my eyes locked on with hers for the first time...and I froze solid!!!

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