~CH. 12~

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Criss carried me into the elevator...as I was playfully doing a little kicking and screaming scene...but he just smacked my ass and told me to behave and hold still...that we were taking a shower, and that was the end of discussion...I told him that he could take his shower first then when he got out...I'd take one...beens he really thought I needed one, even though I took one just last night...he flopped me on his bed and asked me why I was so skiddish around him...that he knew I was crazy about him...and by know if I didn't realize that he was crazy about me...I needed to have a checkup...for everyone else knew how bad off he was on that particular subject.

I looked up at him, and told him that I did adore him very much...but it was just that I was afraid of it...he stopped and spun back around and asked me what I was afraid of...I finally decided to get it out of my system, and I told him that I never had a guys attention before...and that I was the official girl from the song White Wedding...he moved ver closely to me and said in a whisper that I was a virgin...I couldn't verbally answer him...but I did manage to nod my head yes...very slowly...Criss sat down beside me and wrapped his arms around me, and said it was very natural to be afraid for the first time...but then he assured me that he was nothing to be afraid of...he wasn't what females call a strong lover...he was more of the soft slow passionate romantic type...and that he was definitely a snuggler...afterwards...then he looked up at me and said with a pouty face that I better be a snuggler too.

He successfully got me to smile at his silliness...and I said I wouldn't know...for I never slept with a guy before...he sat up and walked toward the bathroom and took his shirt off...then kicked his boots off...then he turned to me with his jeans unbuttoned and unzipped and asked me if I was sure I didn't want to join him...I giggled and told him I was good for this time around...he just pooched out his lips very comically and turned away from me and pulled his jeans off, and shook his ass at me and said he'd just have to figure another way to wash his backside...then he closed the door and removed his underwear and hopped in the shower...but I was a little curious...so I peeked through the crack in the door...and as soon as I saw his beautiful body...it was my turn to fall on the floor...only I wasn't as graceful as he was...I made a loud thud...Criss stuck his head out of the shower and asked if I was alright...in between my laughs I said I was just fine...that I just falled down...right when I told him that...he caught my comical irony in it...and smiled to himself...knowing that I was taking my turn to peep.

After he stopped laughing to himself...he asked me again if I would come in with him...so I could wash his back...and maybe wash his hair...for he was just too lazy, and didn't like doing it...I was so tired of him thinking I was too cowardly to do it...so I burst into the bathroom holding a scrubby brush and told him to face the wall...that the backside was probably the only thing I'd be able to handle right now...he was laughing his ass off...as he told me he didn't think I had it in me to even look through the door...let alone burst in like the guy from psycho...only instead of a knife I was holding a scrub brush...I washed his back for him...but when he made a smart ass comment...I playfully slapped him on his bare ass with the brush and told him to keep his playful perversion to himself...then I told him if he wanted me to wash his head...he'd have to kneel down...he knelt down, but said that it would've been alot easier...if I would strip down and hop in with him...I told him not this time...that I didn't know him well enough for that yet...but as I was washing his head...I truly found it very satisfying to me...being that close to him...then for a split second I wanted to be so much closer to him...but as soon as I sensed him picking up on my tension through his muscle reading...I dropped the thought.

Then I told him he was all done...and now I was leaving the bathroom, so he could get out and dry off...but he reached out and put his hand around mine...and stepped out of the shower...and just stood there in front of me...looking directly into my eyes...then he reached down and kissed me on the cheek and thanked me...without me taking my eyes off of him...I reached behind me and handed him a towel...he wrapped it around his waist...and walked out of the bathroom with me...after he let my hand go...and headed to his enormous walk-in closet...to decide what he wanted to wear...but he was so undecisive, so he called me to come in for a minute and help him out.

I went in and saw all of his very sexy and expensive designer apparel...and he was showing me three different shirts...and asked me which one...and when I pointed to one...he automatically made it leave the hanger and was instantly on him...then he did it a few other times with different shirts...then he was wearing shorts...but walked behind one of his racks...with his hands still in the air so I could see them...he made it to the other end and came around...he was wearing wind pants instead...I giggled with a mixture of delight, and amazement...but told him I loved him in his designer jeans the best.

Criss asked me to go pick out a pair for him...then just toss them to him...right as I tossed them to him he came to me, and was holding his wind pants and wearing the jeans with his black leather vest with his skull on the back and his CA logo on the front left side that I picked out for him to wear...then just for an extra I put my favorite hat that he wore on him...and said he was perfect...he reached out and kissed me and said cockily that he so knew that already...then with his fingers entwined with mine...we both headed back downstairs to enjoy the day together...as I promised.

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