~CH. 19~

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The next few days were very hectic indeed...for Kc and I were running around like a couple of chickens with our heads cut off...getting prepared for our wedding...the colors were black, red and the silver...my tux was black with a red silk undershirt...and black tie...with a silver sash around my waist...Kc's dress was a beautiful shimmering silver, with a black sash around her waist...I knew it was going to be perfect...though for everything was falling into place beautifully...every one of my acquaintances showed up and their friends...half of them I never even saw before...but all well...

Kc was sitting outside the doors waiting for the song to start...and she had a death grip on Stoney's hand...she had so many butterflies in her tummy...she even told him that she was going to throw up...but Stoney told her she was just fine...and if she did...to give him a second heads up so he could duck, dodge, and or hide from it...which got her to smile at him...then came the wedding song...which was Sharing The Night by Dr.Hook instead of the boring usual number. When I saw Stoney walking her down the aisle toward me...I do believe I stopped breathing for a while...then gasped for air a little bit when I realized I wasn't getting any...she literally took my breath away, at how lovely she looked...and soon she would be all mine forever and ever.

Kc didn't even make it halfway down the aisle before my mom started to cry and told Jd and Lynn to hold her...for she was so happy again...Kc was still so nervous that she stumbled a little bit...then begged Stoney not to let her fall...Stoney slowed down and leaned over to her ear and whispered never to her...then she gave her hand a reassuring squeeze...she finally made it up to me...then Klayton did exactly what he said he was going to do...and pulled her into him and kissed her deeply right on the mouth...then came up beside me and playfully slapped me and said he told me so...then he waited...for he was also my ringbearer...and Sully of all people was holding the ring for Kc behind her...for she didn't have any other girlfriends...and Rachel wasn't back from her honeymoon yet.

I held her close to me as we again went thru the boring wedding words part of the ceremony...staring deeply into each other's eyes...with the promise of love forever emitting from both of our eyes...then we both snapped out of it...when we heard the preacher say exchange rings...then we placed our rings on each other...and then the preacher said I could kiss the bride...I put her into a big dip and laid a huge french kiss on her...and held her there for a long time, before pulling her back up...then I picked her up and carried her back down the aisle into the theater where we were having our reception/party...where we danced to our personal wedding song...which was A Little Bit More, by Dr. Hook...then came the jamming tunes of Korn, Celldweller/Scandroid/Circle Of Dust, Godsmack, and Alice Cooper.

Sully and Stoney danced with her while I was dancing with my mommy for a couple songs...then we switched places and Stoney danced with my mom...and I danced with my baby...and it was truly the greatest and happiest moment of my life...even after the entire ceremony was over and everyone said their final congratulations and goodbyes to us...we were too busy wrapped up in each other to notice...and when the music was over...we were still dancing with each other in the darkness of the theater...truly-deeply-madly in love with one another...I just wasn't ready for the moment to end.

We finally snapped out of the moment we were in...and we walked hand in hand back up to our room at the top of the pyramid...where I picked her up and carried her across the threshold...then we curled up in bed together...and continued to talk to each other about how much we loved each other...during part of our sexy conversing...Rachel and Costa sent us a lot of pictures of their honeymoon...some of them were a little bit silly...like Costa sending us a picture of his ass...and Rachel's ass...showing us their sunburns....then they showed us a little monkey they acquired during their stay...but they said it wasn't coming home with them...but Kc told Costa she'd believe it when she saw it...for Rachel looked very attached to it...

After they stopped texting us...I asked her very sexually where she would like me to take her for our honeymoon...but she looked at me and said anywhere we were at together was a honeymoon to her...I kissed her nose and held her closer to me, and asked her if she'd like to go to a certain place to share a few lonely and peaceful weeks with me...but she said she was as content as a lamb...staying right there with me...that her parents burnt her out on traveling a very long time ago...but then added if there was a special place I wanted to take her...she would be very willing to go...I rolled on top of her and asked her if she'd like to accompany me to Cabo, Mexico for a few weeks...for that was one of my favorite recreational vacation spots...for I got almost everything for free down there.

Kc gave a little sigh and said it sounded wonderful to her...I kissed her nose again and told her I would set it up asap...for I was so in the mood for a sweet passionate and very sexually romantic honeymoon/vacation...she giggled at me, and told me to behave myself...or she'd run and tell mommy on me...I rolled off of her, and told her she was being mean...then I added that mommy would be on my side on this one...for our mommy really wanted grandkids...and there was only one way to get them...without adopting...and I was so in the mood to procreate...Kc jumped out of the bed when I told her that...and she squeaked and ran into the bathroom and locked the door and hid in the premade bubble bath...for I knew that's where she would run...now I had my little wifey...right, where I wanted her...I slowly walked in the room and locked the door behind me...then I stripped very quickly and silently...I peeked around the curtain...and slid in behind her...but she was in there waiting for me...where we made whoopee for about three hours...until we got nice and pruney...then we hopped out and dried off...and I carried her to the bed...where we shared the hottest sex ever...I made love to her until the sun came around and peeked through the window...then we slept most of the day...snuggling and cuddling...and loving each other.

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