~CH. 10~

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Our dinner date was now over, and I was holding her hand...escorting her to the car...but as soon as I got in the car...I didn't want the date to be over...so I asked her if there was anything she'd like to do...because I wasn't ready to the date to end yet...she looked at me and asked me if I knew of any good dance places around...I smiled at her and told her I knew a few...but for as crazily clumsy I've been lately...it probably wasn't going to be the best thing for me to try...but she insisted so I said 'Curves' here we come...but hope they laid the soft plush carpeting this evening...for I was probably going to be stumbling around...but when she took my hand and promised me she wouldn't let me fall...something very strange happened to me internally...I couldn't explain it.

We went in and I ordered two martini's then after our toast...and my olive...I told her it was time to plow...I took her out on the dancefloor...and stunningly I was so on my game...I didn't even do one thing that was half-ass embarrassing...and I really enjoyed the moment...and by the look on her face...so was she. After four hours of nonstop dancing...I took her to one of the booths, and asked for a breather...that she was totally wearing this old man out...after we laughed together...she looked right at me and said I wasn't old...that I was the perfect age...young enough to keep up with and run around all the young bucks out there...but old enough to have true responsibility and love.

I reached out for her hand and held it gently...and asked her about her family...which struck a little painful chord...but she told me the awful story about losing her parents in a plane crash while leaving India...and that they were adventurer/explorer's...and that she really never knew them well enough to miss them...for they were never around her...she had special tutors...and was sent to college at a very young age...so she was one of the few teenagers that didn't have to go to school anymore...for she already graduated college...I looked at her in total amazement...and asked her if she wanted to dance some more...or if she'd like to head back to the Luxor.

But I knew for my sake because I was tired of dancing...she said she was ready to head back to the hotel...I kissed her hand and escorted her out, and I drove her back to the casino...but as we entered the doors...she turned loose of my hand...and was heading to her elevator for her floor...and I couldn't have that!...I raced up after her, and caught her and spun her around and asked her to join me in my room...that I didn't want her to leave me just yet...she gave me a slight smile and asked if she could get out of the shoes, and very uncomfortable dress...and put something more comfortable on first...I told her absolutely...then added as long as I could go with her...she pulled me in the elevator and took me to her room...I stood out in the hall while she was in the bathroom changing...she opened the door and tossed out the dress to me and it landed on my head...then she asked me if I could go into her bag and get her a shirt...I chuckled and said I'd love too...

But she remembered the lamp in her bag and hollered nevermind, that she had one in the bathroom already...and to just drop the dress on the bed...so I did and went back by the bathroom door...and had a quick urge to take a peek thru the keyhole...but I stopped myself saying that was so wrong...being a peeper...but I squatted down and did it anyway...and when I saw her with her shirt off...I fell over sideways...moments later she came out fully dressed and asked me what I was doing on the floor...I looked up at her with a silly ass grin and said I falled down...she sat down next to me and asked why...I turned a little red...and said because I was peeping thru the keyhole in the door...and just as I saw her remove her shirt...I lost my balance and fell over.

I thought at first she was going to slap the shit out of me...but instead, she giggled at me and helped me up...and told me to stop being so naughty...and to let's get up to his room before her girlfriends came in...and saw him acting so silly...I pulled her very close to me and said I was sorry...and that crazy Crissy promises to be a good boy from now on...then we headed up to my suite at the top of the pyramid. I ran in and scooped up Hammie and told him that daddy was home...then I handed him to Kc while I got him his fancy feast and put it into his bowl...then I sat him down so he could eat. Then I grabbed a bottle of cherry wine out of the fridge, and two glasses...then headed to the couch where Kc was waiting for me...I poured the drink and gave a little toast to her...and we just remained silent for a while until I asked if she'd like to go into the bedroom with me...she looked at me like she couldn't believe she just heard me say that...and gave a little choke on the wine...I looked at her and told her real fast, not for that!!...but it was just the bedroom was where the T.V. was at...

She gave me a smile and said watching a movie with me would be fine...but I did kind of want to do that other thing with her...but by her reactions...she wasn't ready for me to ask her just yet...but I could always try to change her mind during the movie...once we both got comfortable and I put on the movie...she unexpectedly got very nervous with me...all I did was wrap my arm around her...but after I just decided to watch the movie with her instead of sexually hit on her...she relaxed and enjoyed my company again...after the movie was over, she stretched and said she needed to get back to her room, beens I knew she wasn't ready for me sexually...I asked her if she'd spend time with me again tomorrow...she kissed me on the cheek and said she'd love too.

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