Home sweet home

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Your alarm went off and flung your arm over to press snooze. You rubbed your eyes before reaching over and turning it off.

You unplugged your charging vlog camera and made sure you could properly see before starting it up.

Fixing your hair you quickly thought of what to say.

"Good morning fam what's up? So I'm currently still in bed it's about 6:30. I'm going to shower and I'll see you after." You waved and put your hand over the screen, waiting a few seconds so you could have a seemless jump cut.

You then turned off the camera and tossed it on your bed. You went over to the clothes you had set out for today and grabbed them. Heading to the bathroom you turned on the shower and began to play some music.

After your warm shower you got dressed, did your hair, and brushed your teeth. You went back into your room and grabbed your camera.

Putting your hand over the lens you started it. Pulling your hand away you smiled. "So I'm in my snazzy outfit and I'm ready to go."

"So if you guys didn't know, I don't think I said it in yesterday's vlog, but I was asked by the leader of team ten, aka my brother jake paul, to come and live in the team ten house as a part of team ten!"

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"So if you guys didn't know, I don't think I said it in yesterday's vlog, but I was asked by the leader of team ten, aka my brother jake paul, to come and live in the team ten house as a part of team ten!"

You walked over and grabbed your carryon. "So of course I accepted, I mean he's my brother. So I'm leaving the comfy abode in Ohio and going to the bustle of LA."

You went downstairs and went into the kitchen. It was empty of course, well except for your mom and your bird.

"Don't worry guys I'm bringing sugar, I know jake doesn't really like birds but I can't leave her here, plus she's maverick ' s love so." Your mom smiled when you walked into the kitchen.

"Hey momma. So are you ready to go?" You went and grabbed sugar. "As ready as I'll ever be." You turned off your vlog camera and headed out the door with your mom.

Getting into the car you started your camera back up again. "So we are heading out and I already miss ohio. We haven't even left the state." You laughed.

"Well we are heading to the airport so que the montage!" You set the camera on the dashboard and leaned close to the window.

You made sure it could see the passing scenery before you leaned your head against the window.

Watching the scenery pass brought back memories that were made long ago. You, Logan, and jake hanging out for and long as you could remeber. You were always added into what was going on.

You were truly loved and that's what made this place a home. A small tear slipped down your cheek. You wiped it away and noticed how close you were to the airport.

A few minuets to be exact.

You reached up and turned off the camera. You wiped the evidence of tears away from your eyes.

You picked up your phone and went through notifications before turning it off and getting your carryon and sugar's carry cage.

You pulled up into the parking lot of the airport. Your mom stopped the car. Honestly you were gonna miss this place. There is no place like Ohio.

Your mom got out of her side of the car and headed to the trunk. You opened your door and got out too.

Heading to the back you grabbed a couple of suitcases, saying you only had four. Your mom grabbed the last two and you headed into the airport.

You got your bags checked, made sure sugar could come on board, and got your boarding pass.

You stood by your gate with your Mom and vlog camera out. "I'm really gonna miss this place." You sighed and looked in the direction of the camera.

"I'm really gonna miss you honey." Your mom pulled you into a hug. "I'm going to miss you to ma." Your words were mumbled by a mixture of sadness and your mother's sholder.

You heard her soft sniffling. "Oh momma don't cry, god your gonna make me cry." You let out a dry laugh. "I'm just gonna miss you. It's like letting my last baby go." Her smile faultered.

"Alright alright enough of this baby back shit, I'm gonna miss my flight, and I'll call you when I get there." You kissed her cheek.

"Please do." She grabbed your hand, a strong mother grip, like she was letting you go, like you were dying and this was the last time she was going to see you.

And when you looked into her eyes you could see the sadness seeping in and changing the blue color. "I'm going to miss you momma." You crackled out in and hushed tone.

"It's okay hun." She wiped the tears you didn't notice were falling. And right then and there at that bonding moment your flight called.

"I love you." She smiled. "I love you too." You pulled away slowly and walked towards the entrance of the plane tunnel.

Rubbing your hands against the side of the plane before entering you relized. This was the last time Ohio would be considered your home.

You stepped into the plane, sugar sitting quietly in her cage, your body comfortable, and you eyes spilling a clear liquid you could only express as sadness.

The flight attendant went over precautions before the plane took off into seemless flight.

While people slept on the flight you took time to edit the filming you had allready gotten done. You had your vlog camera hanging up on allready chair recording the flight.

You added filters and funny subtitles to the previous film. Allready deciding the title and thumbnail.

How about

I'm never coming back! And the thumbnail of you crying in the car.

That sounds good. The plane began to land so you gathered up your stuff. After the plane landed you stopped the recording and headed put with sugar and your carryon.

You went over to luggage and got your suit cases. Pulling four suitcases was pretty difficult but you managed.

You pulled into he center of the waiting room and when you saw the face of Logan paul you immediately thought.

This could be home sweet home after all

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