Chapter One

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I groan and pull my pillow over my head. "Five more minuteeeeessss"
Suddenly, my blankets are ripped out from underneath me and I flinch from the shock of cold air.
"Nope! Rise and shine, sunshine!" I uncover my eyes and squint up at the evil form of my mother.
"Bet mo-" I start
"I made pancakes!" She cuts in and I jump out of bed, pulling the clothes on that she held out to me.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner! That changes everything!" I cut her off, my voice muffled by my navy blue t-shirt.
"Because she knew that that meant that I wouldn't get any!" My sister Emma peers around the bedroom door frame, smirking. "You better hurry up or I'll eat them all!" She takes off, running down the stairs, her socked feet making soft thumps on the steps.
"Noooooooo!" I sprint after her and shoulder in front of her to grab the biggest pancakes.
"Dang it!" She mumbles, slowing down.
I laugh and place the second biggest pancake on her head. "There you go dearest sister, love you guys!" I rub her head, grab my bag and run out the door because I could already tell with my amazing internal clock (the clock on the stove) that I was late for my first day at school. Not just any school but the extremely popular Altea prep school for the gifted. I got in, surprisingly, because a scout saw me playing a few soccer games for my cities Tear One team called Voltron. I am on a scholarship for the team because honestly, soccer is the only thing I'm good at. Anyway, back to present time. I see my bus pull out at the end of the street and I start running even faster. I probably look ridiculous, a extremely awkward looking 17 year old latino kid running at top speed, the pancake in his mouth flapping in the wind, trying to catch up to a bus. Well my first day was off to a great start!
I come to a stop and rest my hands on my knees, sighing. This is not good. I look around, trying to find a way to school. I spot the red jeep of my neighbour, Keith, who was also on my soccer team. Not my favourite guy but I knew that he went to Altea too. I jump into the backseat and pull the Voltron team blanket over me (yes we have those, don't judge, soccer games can get really cold). Five minutes later, I hear Keith lock his door and he gets into the car. He turns it on and starts driving, turning up the song Teenagers by My Chemical Romance. Not my type of music but still good. Ten minutes later, we (well he) pull into the school parking lot and park close to the entrance. The campus takes my breath away. It was laid out like a castle with a huge central building and towers surrounding it. It was blue and white and looked like something out of a sci-fi show. I grin and jump out as Keith turns of the car.
"Thanks for the ride dude!" I call back over my shoulder as I sprint inside.
"LANCE!!!" He shouts after me, shaking his fists, his face turning as red as his jacket. "I'm going to kill you!"
I grin back as he flips me off and run into the main building and into a new school year.

Sooo they dont sound at all like they do in the real show and there is no gay stuff yet but just wait! Be sure to leave comment and vote (even thought this sucks).
Bye for now!
The author dun dun dun

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