Chapter 13

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Keith's POV again because it's his birthday and I can do what I want

I wake up to the sound of shuffling around me. I yawn, squinting against the waves of the sun.

"Rise and shine, sunshine!" says a cheerful voice behind me. "Today's your birthday and you need to be ready for your birthday beats!"

"What. No!" I cry, my arms really didn't need that bruising. I try to cover myself with the multiple blankets and pillows but the owner of the evil voice, Lance, rips them off.

"Too late!" he squeals with glee "You're 20 now so you're getting 40 beats!"

"That's not fair! I'm not 40!" I narrow my eyes as he walks closer to me with an evil smirk on his face, his eyes glinting mischievously. "That's cheating!"

"It's not cheating if no ones here!" he pounces on me and I cry out as he starts punching, and not very gently.

"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20-" he counts every time he hits me until he reaches 40 making a few mistakes along the way, making the hits a bit more pleasant. He gets off me, satisfied, and I rub my arm. I'm definetly getting a bright mark tomorrow. Yay!

"We should probably go to our room and get changed." the tall brunette says. "Everyone is probably waiting for us."

"Why so early?" I say as I get up and brush the dirt off my dark pants (honestly everything shows up on these things!) "Its like 8 am!"

"Learn soon you shall young padawan" he replies over his shoulder in a perfect imitation of Yoda's voice and I rush to catch up.

"Three things: 1) i'm older than you by 8 months, 2) you're a nerd,"


"Amd three, whose gonna bring all the pillows and stuff downstairs?"

"Don't worry you're annoying mullet head, I've got it under control!" I narrow my eyes. Lance NEVER has things under control. He notices my look of disbelief and chuckles, ruffling my hair "Trust me, okay!"

I sigh. May as well. "Sure, as long as you don't wake me up at 3 am again. We got 2 hours of sleep doofus!"

"Actually five counting the time we were sleeping before you woke up" he notices the look I shoot him "but point taken. I promise."


"Let's go princess or Pidge will have my-"

I cover his mouth "No swearing! Kids could hear!"

"But there aren't any kids- ohh" he pouts as he realizes the insult. "I'll have you know that I am a mature adult!"

"Phht" I scoff and he gasps, insulted as he tugs me towards the door. He leads me down the stairs and through the halls we took last night, occasionally muttering about how mature he is. Once again, I was starting to feel like we were lost but suddenly, as if by magic, our bedroom door appeared in front of us.
Lance opens the door and bows extravagantly, throwing his arms out behind him. "After you, m'lady."
I curtsy before sauntering into the room "Why thank you kind sire."
"My pleasure." He bows again, closing the door behind him. I have to cover my mouth to stop myself from erupting in laughter.
All of a sudden, Single Ladies starts blasting from Lance's phone and he scrambles to grab and silence it. This time, I can't control my laughter. I burst out laughing at the knowledge that, like I presumed, Lance was a Beyonce fan. He glares at me as he picks up the phone and Pidge's voice pierces through.
"Lance, WHERE THE QUIZNAK ARE YOU!?" She screams (she was rather creative with her swearing (quiznak was something from Allura's home language that roughly translates to the f word)) and we both cringe. Lance tries to say something, turning the volume down, but Pidge cuts him off before he could say anything "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE HERE 30 MINUTES AGO!"
Allura's voice takes over the phone and I could hear Shiro calming Pidge down. Her voice is steely calm and I could tell she could barely contain her anger. "Lance," she starts and he shudders, terrified "You better have a good reason for this because Pidge and I have been working very hard on today okay!?"
"Umm," Lance gulps, concocting a lie in his head "Keith is just taking a shower," he gestures for me to go into the washroom and I turn the shower on "I really don't want to see a naked Keith so I'm waiting for him to come out."
"Hmm" Allura hums "You better not be lying, Lance. You got away this time but I'll get you next time."
I can almost picture her, stroking a cat in a swivel chair (she's sitting in the swivel chair not the cat!), saying I've been waiting for you. I shiver, what a weird thought.
Lance looks around the washroom doorframe."Dude, wet your hair." He says checking his phone.
"Umm why?" I ask as I put my hair under the shower water.
"So that it looks like you actually showered. By the way, get changed into your swimsuit and bring your dark emo clothes because you'll need 'em" After that comment, he leaves, probably going into the separate bathroom to get changed as well.
I dab my hair so that its not dripping as much and grab my red swim trunks, pulling them on with a black exercise shirt. I stuff my 'emo' clothes into my bag and grab my phone from where it was charging. Automatically, it goes from 100% to 95%. Wtf!
Lance emerges from his bathroom whistling another Beyonce song, shades on, flip flops, towel wrapped around his neck (I should probably get one too), in blue swim shirts and a whit tank top showing off his muscular arms. Not now gay thoughts, not now.
He smirks "Take a picture, it'll last longer"
I punch him in the shoulder lightly before letting my arm fall to my side "Doofus"
"Come on mullet, let's not get our Pidgeon too ruffled!" I cringe at his pun, grab my towel and bag, and follow him out the door.We walk down stairs (I walked, Lance fell down to Pidge's delight as she filmed it) where everyone was waiting.
"Finally!" Mutters Pidge "We can go!"
"Where are we even going?" I ask, fixing my bag on my shoulder. The straps really dig in.
"The beach of course!"

Hey guys.
So if you are confused, this is the new chapter 13 because I forgot to do the entire day if Keith's b-day so his b-day is gonna be about 3-4 chapters long. The old chapter 13 (with the game) is either gonna be chapter 15 or 16 and to avoid confusion, I unpublished it.
Remember to read, vote, and comment!
Keep reading,

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