Chapter 12

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I blink as bright light woke him up from a very nice dream about him and a certain someone. I swat the light of doom away from my aching eyes and scowl "Lance, I swear on Ronaldo's rock hard abs that if that's you and if you are waking me up at this severely ungodly hour, then there will be massive consequences!" As I blink out black spots from my eyes, the blurry form of Lance's lanky form appeared in my vision.

"Ohhhhh, scary," he shook with fake fear "I just might pee myself!"

"Not while you're on me, you won't" Yes, somehow Lance managed to appear on my body again and my stomach was aching from the amount of weight it has been subjected to. "How much do you flipping weigh!?" I grunt as I push him off for the second time today.

"About 175 pounds," he grunts cheerfully as he falls off the bed but to my dismay, he lands on his feet. He lifts up his shirt and models his abs "but most of it is muscle!"

"Doofus! I bet more than 60 percent is fat!" To tell the truth, I knew that he was made of muscle because of all the team pool parties at Allura's and frankly I'm jealous. Sure, I'm lean but it's downright impossible for me to get muscle. At the moment, I had the start of a six pack, after four years!

"Meh, I don't want you to lose any money, that stuff expensive!" he says and I sigh with relief. On the trip, I  brought 4000 dollars of Canadian and only got 2800.69 dollars in euros. What the actual heck? "Anyway, I have woken you up from your beauty sleep, though you need it, at the hour of one am because I found something that I think you will like."

"How do you know what I like?" I yawn questioningly (is that even a thing?)

"Umm," he blushes, wringing his hands furiously "because I've listened to you."

"Okay, well I won't sleep now so I may as well go," I shrug, blushing a bit "Show the way."

I follow him through multiple corridors (honestly, Matt had a mansion) and I'm  starting to think we were lost, so much so that people would have to send search parties (#findlanceandkeith2k17), but then Lance lead me up a staircase and opens a door at the top.

I gasp as I look at the view that has been painted in m"y sight. We are on the roof, looking over the private beach that Matt owns (honestly, he's loaded). The sky looks like dark blue silk with tiny paint drop splattered all over it. The water is like a dark maroon looking glass from fairytales that reflect the bright yellow moon like a huge shield and the pale white sand looks like a blank canvas before an artist paints a masterpiece. I cover my mouth in awe as I look at the stars shining in the endless blue of the sky. "Lance, it's beautiful!"

"I know, I, um, just wanted to share it with you." he rubs her neck, flustered. "I remember you saying how much you love the stars last year at that astronomy convention we all went to last year."

I laugh. Pidge had dragged us to a convention (well everyone except me) in Washington. The entire two days, we had dealt with all of Pidge's long lectures on about everything while I enjoyed quietly. Everything was based on the stars and planets. I could've stayed for years but the convention had to end. Pidge and I had spent the entire drive back (yes we drove from Toronto to Washington, a fantastic 9 hours and 34 minutes) talking about how much we loved space and talking about all sorts of different myths about the constellations. I'm surprised that Lance was listening, as he was listening to music the entire drive. "You listened?"

"What, you're my best friend!" He cries and I cringe internally, disappointed with that title. "I know things about you!"

I turn and see a picnic blanket with an old fashion speaker resting on top. There was even a picnic basket lying there too with about ten billion pillows. I raise one eyebrow "Really?"

"What?!" he says, throwing his hands up. "I wanted to celebrate such an amazing person's birthday! Is that too hard to ask?"

I blink, most likely turning a bright shade of red "You remembered?"I almost forgot it was my birthday too.

"Of course, we all have something planned for today!" he says, laughing. "Why would we forget our resident jerks birthday?!"

"Shut up!" I mutter, though on the inside I'm bubbling. Lance remembered my birthday!

"Now, sit down!" he orders, pointing to the blanket and I obey. He joins me and pulls the picnic basket onto his lap. He grabs a cookie and holds it out to me but before I can grab it, he pops it into his mouth. I mutter a few words of protest but his reply was patting me on the head. He continues to pull out so many different things that I start to think that it was like Hermione's endless bag. He stops after pulling out an entire pie and we have an entire meal placed before us. Chicken wings, rice, cookies, tacos, chili, curry, ice cream (I don't think that there's a consistency) and etc.

"Lance, where did you get all this food?" I ask after 5 minutes of soundless eating. Where does someone get this much food?

"The fridge," he shrugs as he gnaws on a chicken leg "The chef let me take a bunch of stuff."

My mouth makes a silent O and I continue to eat my ice cream cone (I don't understand how that would have been in a basket but I'm not complaining. We spend the rest of the night (early morning) talking about the earlier years and how everyone looked before. W laughed, talked, and danced to the music on the boombox. I almost didn't mind waking up so early and when the lights turned on in the houses around us we headed downstairs after an amazing night.


This was a pretty fluffy chapter but I hope you enjoyed it. But short but I had half an hour. Sorry! I also couldn't find Keith's B-Day so I made it up lol (Please don't hate me). Remember to do the usual vote, comment bla bla bla.

Keep reading,


P.s Thank you so much for over 100 reads (views?). I know that's not a lot to some of you but it means a lot to me. I hope you have a great night!

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