Chapter 11

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"Keith, my buddy, my man!If we make it out if this, I will kiss you and break up with Isa because now in the near death experience I realize that she did make out with a guy in front of me okay!"

Wow. What was I thinking? Probably just the adrenaline. Like I'm going through with the breakup and stuff but I am not going to kiss Keith. I just hope that he'll forget about it. Hopefully...

We got to Matt's house at around 5:45 (their time or 11:45 in Canada) and guess what. The evil genius (I'll let you guess who) decided that even an almost 8-hour flight beside Keith wasn't enough torture so we have to have the same room. Everyone else was fine with the room's, Shiro and Allura even got to sleep together. Like not sleep together... You know what I mean! There is no sin in this mind (ha we all know that's not true)! Matt wouldn't let me sleep on the couch because that would be bad hosting manners (whatever that is) if there is a perfectly fine bed and that he would be offended if I didn't sleep there. SO now I'm stuck with Keith... Yay!!!

"Lance!" Keith's mildly annoying voice snaps me out of my thoughts."I get the window bed!" He jumps onto the said bed (hehe that rhymes) and spreads his lean, muscular body over it protectively.

"What?! No! I want to look at the water!" I pout and pounce on top of him. I look down at him as I straddle his waist.

"Lance, get off of me." he groans and I smirk my trademark smirk (#smirkgoals).

"Not until you give me the bed, doofus" I roll my hips and he moans."Oh, you like that." I grin and continue to roll my hips.

"Lance! Off of Keith now!" yells Shiro as he walks through the bedroom door and everyone follows behind. Allura was covering Pidge's eyes but Pidge swats her hands away, scowling.

"Honestly guys?! We thought that Shallura would be the PDA couple on this trip but ob-vi-ou-sl-y," Pidge stresses the word "It's gonna be Klance."

"We're not a couple!" Keith and I protest in sync.

"Aww they even finish each other's sentences," says Allura and she take a picture of Keith and me "That's going on the gram with the hashtags #klanceisreal #supportmygayfriends!"

"Noooooo!!!" I scream. Allura is not only an amazing soccer player, she is also a very popular model. On Instagram alone, she has 88 million followers! And that's not counting all her other social media accounts.

"Posted!" she grins evilly. "Oh look! I already have 5000 likes!"

Keith pushes me off of him. "I'm going to kill you!" he growls and she laughs.

"You'll have to catch me first!" she takes off down the hallway with Keith not very far behind.

Everyone listens to Allura's laugh get quieter and quieter as she runs farther into the house and Keith's enraged yelling too.

"Soooooo, Lance. Were you going to give Keith you promised?" questions Pidge with a demonic glint in her eyes.

"I have no clue about what you're talking about!" I gulp nervously. She can't prove anything... Can she?

"Oh really?!" she pulls out her phone and goes into the voice recording app. She couldn't! There is no way!

She presses play. Even though you can hear people screaming in the background, you can hear my voice loud and clear.

"Keith, my buddy, my man!If we make it out if this, I will kiss you and break up with Isa because now in the near death experience I realize that she did make out with a guy in front of me okay!" I cringe as I hear my voice. Do I really sound like that?

"I'll hold you to it!" replies Keith's voice. Now, that's a voice I didn't mind...... Whoops.

"So you have no clue whatsoever about saying that?!" she says evilly "That's just someone who sounds exactly like you? Right?!"

"Oh ya totally, I have no clue who that is!" I lie, nodding my head furiously.

"Oh so these people in this video aren't you?" says Hunk as he holds up his phone. Okay there is definitely no way--

Hunk presses play. The video was of me and Keith clinging to each other like there was no tomorrow and we were saying the exact same things as the audio clip.

"Yep, totally not me!" I say, pursing my lips and shaking my head.

"Who is not Lance?" asks a new voice. I turn and see Matt, who looks a lot like Pidge. He sighs "Anyway, dinner ready, lions!"

"FOODDDDDDDDDDD!" I scream and out the door, knocking everyone on their butts. "Ummm where's the kitchen?"


Soooo... two in one day.... This one's not as long but whatever... Same thing as always, comment and vote.

Keep reading, 


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