Chapter Three

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I walk into the cafeteria and grin. So far  in the course of just two periods I managed to get 10 phone numbers from boys and girls alike. I should probably mention the fact that I'm bi. As I walk to one of the empty tables, I wink and shoot finger guns at all the people I deem attractive. So basically everything that breaths. I spot a few of my Voltron team mates, Shiro, Hunk, and Pidge. I grin and wave.
"I say Vol you say Tron" I yell at them, getting a few weird looks. "Vol!"
"Tron!" They yell back
"Vol!" I scream even louder and a few people give us dirty look
"Tron" They screamed back and even a few other people join in. I turn and grin as I reach the table.
"What team!" I yell at everyone as I climb on the table because honestly I'm High School Musical trash. What? Troy is hot!
"Voltron!" Everyone yells back. I bow and take a seat. The reason that everyone knows what Team Voltron is because Altea Prep sponsors the team so we play games on the field sometimes. Also, the schools soccer team is also called Voltron so that doesn't hurt either.
"Guys!" I grin at my team mates "I feel like I haven't seen you in years!"
Pidge takes a sip from her drink (the teams are co-ed so she allowed to play with us 'men' "Lance its literally been less been 24 hours. We literally had a game yesterday!"
"Ya and we crushed Team Galra! 10 to 1! Go team!!!" Yells Hunk who is our teams unofficial team cheerleader. We all high five. I hear the clack of a lunch tray beside me and Keith sits down beside me scowling.
"Hey pretty boy, what are we talking about?"
I grin at the ridiculous nickname. All of our team mates have nicknames. Shiro is Space Dad (he is the most responsible and he loves space), Hunk is Teddy Bear (because he's as big as bear but is soft and cuddly), Pidge is Pidgeon (if you can't figure that out.. Well thats sad), Keith is Princess and Mullet (I'll let you figure out the second one but I'm the only who calls him the former because it annoys him). I like to think that they call me Pretty Boy because they think I'm pretty (who wouldn't?) but its because I'm always flirting with people.
"Mullet! Long time no see!" I say (we've had every class together so far) "We were just talking about our game last night! Nice goals by the way!" Keith blushes slightly at the praise, which stands put on his pale skin.
I smirk "Though, most of the goals you wouldn't have gotten without my amazing passes!" He scowls and punches me in the arm.
"Doofus." He mutters
"You know you love me!" I retort and I swear he said "Sadly" under his breath and I blush.
"Anyway" buts in Shiro "keep the Klance for later" Keith and I groan and start to protest but Shiro cuts in "The important thing is schedules! Now let me see all of yours!" We hand all our schedules over. Turns out I have all classes but one with Keith (ugh/yay), one with Shiro, and two with Pidge and Hunk.
I punch in the shoulder "Guess we'll be seeing each other lot this year!"
"Great!" He says sarcastically.
The bell rings and we all pick up our trays. "See ya at practice!" I say and they all nod.

Man I am on a role! Three days in a role! I feel like something bad is going to happen but whatever! Hope you enjoyed the chapter and remember to leave a comment and/or vote!
Still the same person.

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