Chapter 10

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Well, I guess that Lance is back to his player ways. I honestly thought that he was getting better and maybe that he even liked me... but obviously, I was wrong. Sometimes, I just want to smack him upside the face. He can be such an idiot sometimes. Especially if he thinks that that girl is worth his time and won't hurt him. I mean, what does he even see in her?! She's not even that pretty (even my gay eyes can see that) and if you take one look at her, you see slut written all over her. Sorry, I was ranting.

I look down as I hear a ding come from my phone.

(Voltron is number 1!!) Pidge is a nerd:

Guys! Matt says that we can come to his house in Barcelona for the March Break! He will even pay for the flight and he's going to bring us to a game! Text me back to let me know if you can go!

Almost immediately, Hunk, Shiro, and Allura reply:

(Voltron is number 1!!) Space Dad:

That's great! I can definitely go!

Wow! An actual Barco game! We get to see Messi!!

(Voltron is number 1!!) Space Princess:

You're such a nerd Shiro! Coran says that I can go as long as Shiro and I are on different sides of the house *eye roll*. Sometimes I think that he is actually my dad.

(Voltron is number 1!!) Next Gordon Ramsey:

Tell Coran that's a good idea! We don't want you with a baby during the cup!

(Voltron is number 1!!) Space Dad:


(Voltron is number 1!!) Next Gordon Ramsey:

What! Anyway, I can totally go Pidge! Tell Matt that he is amazing!

(Voltron is number 1!!) Pretty Boy:

Ohhhhh! Messi! He's hot!

(Voltron is number 1!!) Pidge is a nerd:

Lance! Calm your bi hormones!

(Voltron is number 1!!) Pretty Boy:

What! He is pretty hot! Keith, you better back me up here!

(Voltron is number 1!!) I'm not gay! (me):

Lance, I, unlike you, actually watch the game and how the players paly, NOT how they look! Even though Ronaldo has the nicest abs! Oh ya, and Pidge I can go

(Voltron is number 1!!) Pretty Boy:

Exactly! Keith, we all know you think Messi's hot! Anyway, I can go to! Just make sure I'm not bunking with mullet, OKAY!

(Voltron is number 1!!) Pidge is a nerd:

Sure, sure. Whatever you want losers! I'm sick of you guys. I'm leaving! Hunk, Shiro, Allura you better be coming so that we can leave the gays to talk about abs.

(Voltron is number 1!!) Next Gordon Ramsey:

Ya whatever

(Voltron is number 1!!) Space Dad:

Have fun Klance

(Voltron is number 1!!) Space Princess:

#Klance is real!

(Voltron is number 1!!) Pretty Boy:

Lies!! Well I'm going too. Have fun by yourself princess!

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